Faivish Pewzner

Faivish Pewzner – Marketer

Faivish Pewzner is an experienced Chief Operating Officer with demonstrated experience in Business Strategy, Growth Expansion, Operations.


Faivish Pewzner is the Chief Operating Officer of The Americare Companies. As the company's COO, he is in charge of executing daily operations, to help set standards for the company and work with directors and middle managers to ensure that processes, training, and quality of output of goods and services reflect these standards. He is also responsible for executing the company's overall vision by upholding the CEO's mission statement and working with directors and operations managers to make that visualization a reality.

On the day-to day bases he focuses on data related to productivity and revenue generation and make performance assessments based on this data, and these assessments may then be compared to prior weeks, months, or years. Faivish Pewzner also works with operations managers to ensure that optimal staffing levels are set throughout the company and all departments have sufficient resources and procedures for proper employee training. As the COO of Americare, Mr. Pewzner also works with analysts within the company to assess physical assets and how they can be maintained, repaired, or upgraded.
Business & Management Health & Wellbeing
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Work experience

The Americare Companies

Jan, 2006 — Present

Faivish Pewzner serves as the Chief Operating Officer of The Americare Companies. He is a well-known industry figure who has proven to be instrumental in Americare’s operational and strategic development. Mr. Pewzner brings over 30 years of experience to Americare’s leadership team and is a seasoned leader in the home healthcare industry,


How the change of weather affects the elderly

Fall is officially here, and the cold weather is soon to follow. Low temperatures affect all people as they cause an increase in blood pressure. However, in the elderly this affectation is greater because the mechanisms that regulate blood pressure are weaker and this makes the sensitivity of their blood vessels higher. Therefore, it is crucial to know how changes in the weather affect senior’s health. To helps us understand this important topic, Faivish Pewzner, the current Chief Operating Officer of the Americare Companies has prepared a brief presentation on how seniors are more drastically affected by the shifting seasons.

Prevention is key to help the elderly deal properly with these weather changes. Generally, the cold affects more intensely those over 80 years of age, so control of clothing, sudden changes in temperature and the adaptation of the elderly of this age are essential to preserve their good health.

To help you in the care of the elderly, Faivish Pewzner explains the the impact of climate change on an ageing population and shares some tips to help them cope with the cold.


In general, our body is able to maintain a constant body temperature despite possible environmental variations. However, aging causes our metabolism to change, which affects our ability to thermoregulate and perceive temperature.

As we age, the skin thins and the cutaneous temperature receptors are denatured, which is why the elderly tend to have a deficit of adaptation to external temperatures, making it more difficult to perceive and tolerate cold and heat.

This difficulty becomes more evident with low temperatures. That means the body loses more heat than is produced and the blood vessels in the skin must contract to maintain body temperature, causing the heart to pump more blood and increasing blood pressure, which in the case of the elderly increases the risk of suffering a myocardial infarction.

Some of the problems that can affect the elderly as a consequence of low temperatures are:


One of the health problems that can appear as a result of low temperatures is hypothermia. The sudden drop in body temperature, caused by the low ability of the elderly to adapt to low temperatures, can cause hypothermic episodes that are very dangerous for the health of the elderly.

Hypothermia is when the internal body temperature drops below 35ºC and usually results in tremors, impaired speech, abnormally slow breathing, pale and cold skin, loss of coordination and fatigue. It is very important to control the body temperature of the elderly when the drop in temperatures is very abrupt since hypothermia can have serious health consequences for the elderly.


Low temperatures can aggravate the ailments of osteoarthritis, so it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature and give the elderly hot water baths to reduce the stiffness of the limbs.


The cold dries out the skin so eczema and cracks are accentuated, especially on the face and hands, so the use of moisturizers and high fluid consumption are crucial.


Like anyone else, the elderly increase the chances of getting sick and catching the flu from the cold. However, the symptoms of the flu can be much greater in the case of older people, so their medical control during the winter is essential to maintain good health and avoid more serious problems, explains healthcare executive Faivish Pewzner.


For most of the year, the elderly follow a routine lifestyle that includes walks outside the home. However, in fall and winter this type of activity must be reduced, which affects the elderly’s behavior.


If you are a caregiver, it is essential that you follow specific care guidelines with the arrival of the cold so that the change in temperatures does not affect the elderly too much. Here are some key tips:

The home temperature must be kept between 18 and 21º
Ventilate rooms properly to avoid too high a concentration of carbon monoxide generated by heating systems.
Avoid overdressing in heated places.
Keep the elder active, doing arm exercises, for example.
Choose comfortable warm clothes, protect your head and ears with hats and your hands with gloves.
Install a thermometer in the home to monitor the temperature and help the elderly person identify possible changes.
If you need help in caring for the elderly, contact Faivish Pewzner. Americare’s professional caregivers will advise and guide you in the care of your family member.

Caregiving for the Elderly

Resorting to the services of a caregiver has become one of the most necessary alternatives for those who cannot take care of their relatives with all the dedication they would like, but are not willing to deprive them of the comfort, security and the freedom of continuing to live in their own home.

Americare is proud to provide home health care to the people in the greater New York City area. With over 38 years combined experience in home health care, you can rest assured that your elderly loved ones are receiving the best care. Faivish Pewzner is the COO of Americare. In that position, he is charge of keeping quality of patient care as the company’s top priority. Below, Mr. Pewzner speaks about the main characteristics of this profession, and what it means to be a caregiver.

What is a caregiver?
A caregiver for the elderly is the one who takes care of the specific needs of the elderly and or dependents, and her functions require capacities for which an inexperienced person is not prepared. For those who have hired a caregiver for the elderly, it is important to clarify and define the terms of the contract from the beginning, as well as the list of tasks to be carried out at home to avoid possible problems in the employment and personal relationship.

In the home environment, the figure of the elderly caregiver presents some peculiarities. Characteristics of this profession that help us to mark the differences between the jobs that a domestic employee performs and those that are typical of a caregiver for dependent people.

Despite being a concept that is sometimes somewhat diffuse, it is important to understand that a caregiver is a person in charge of the care of a family member who, due to their age or condition, suffers from a dependency situation, hired to help the people with some degree of dependence to carry out their activities of daily life and improve their quality of life. Therefore, beyond the functions related to the elderly and or dependent they assist, the caregivers are responsible for creating a pleasant and safe environment in their home.

As the Chief Operating Officer at one of the country’s leading home care providers, the ultimate goal of Faivish Pewzner is to accompany and help elders in their day-to-day tasks so that they can stay at home for as long as possible. To overcome the loneliness that older people sometimes face, Mr. Pewzner selects trusted caregivers and professionals who will give them the listening, presence and support they need.

Home Health Care Nursing Trends

As baby boomers age and the number of people entering the health care system increases, nursing is only becoming increasingly more complex. According to Faivish Pewzner, Chief Operating Officer at Americare, that means nurses will be expected to do more with fewer resources than ever before. At the same time, healthcare facilities around the country are already facing a shortage of nurses as older employees retire, and technology is starting to play a bigger role in providing patient care. Now that we're firmly settled into 2018, Faivish Pewzner takes a look at the healthcare trends that will affect American nurses in the upcoming period.

While people were once at the mercy of the healthcare system, they now have the opportunity to be more engaged in their own care and to reap better outcomes in the process. Throughout the rest of this decade and beyond, the healthcare industry will continue its evolution, and as Faivish Pewzner predicts, nurses will bear the most weight of this changing landscape.
Without the help of professional caregivers, many older adults would not be able to stay in their own homes or have any measure of independent living. Caregivers allow them to stay out of nursing homes and other care facilities and live in their own home longer. The role of senior caregivers or nurses is a vital one. They are on hand to help older adults with a wide range of vital life tasks that they could not carry out themselves. These tasks can be anything from personal care to housekeeping and cooking, attending appointments with them, or making sure they take their medication.
As the demand for services continues to rise, more states will move toward mandatory nurse-to-patient ratios. Like most careers, technology will play an integral part as the landscape changes. In fact, Faivish Pewzner believes that the impact of technology on the nursing industry will be one of the biggest nursing trends for this year. Nurses are already using technology in the workplace, but advances will require them to become even more tech-savvy and able to learn to use new tools as they’re introduced into healthcare facilities. From early on, nursing students will be working with simulators and other pieces of technology designed to mimic real-world issues. The adoption of electronic health records has also caused dramatic changes in the healthcare industry. As more EHR systems go mobile, nurses will be able to pull up records at the point of care rather than back at the nursing station. Data is also becoming increasingly important to healthcare facilities of all sizes, driven by the ease with which written and oral communications can be digitized. The ability to successfully adapt to these devices is one of the major nursing trends for 2018.
Today’s nurses are educated, highly skilled, and trained in the ways of traditional medical care. According to Faivish Pewzner, in the years ahead of us, nurses will receive increased amounts of training and education in alternative therapies, due in large part to a growing acceptance of making complementary and alternative therapies part of the modern care plan. Americans are already visiting complementary medical providers such as chiropractic or acupuncture services, more than their primary care physician. The use of herbal remedies and high-dose vitamins is also surging among Americans. All of this will lead to nursing schools adding alternative therapy studies to their nursing curricula and those in the field pursuing continuing education opportunities.


As with seasonal flu, older people and those with chronic health conditions are at increased risk of being affected by COVID-19, if the disease spreads. Early data suggests that older people are twice as likely to have severe illness with COVID-19. This may be because the immune system changes with age, making it difficult to fight disease and infection. The elderly are also more likely to have underlying health conditions that make it more difficult to cope with and recover from the disease.

In addition, people of all ages, with or without disabilities, appear to be at increased risk for more serious COVID-19 disease if they have serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart, lung, or kidney disease. While it's important not to panic and stay calm, it does make sense to stay informed and follow basic tips to protect yourself and those around you from the coronavirus. In this article, Faivish Pewzner, COO of Americare describes some specific precautions older adults should take to protect themselves from the virus.

It is especially important to reduce exposure in people at increased risk for complications.

If you are at higher risk, Faivish Pewzner recommends that you:

Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands often with soap and water or a disinfectant for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your unwashed hands.
Maintain social distance: Keep at least 6 feet distance between yourself and others, particularly those who cough, sneeze, and have a fever.
Avoid crowds, especially in poorly ventilated spaces.
Take respiratory hygiene measures: cover your cough or sneeze with a disposable tissue, then throw it away.
Stay home when you are sick.
If you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, get medical attention early.
Stay informed and follow the recommendations of healthcare professionals.
Watch for symptoms and emergency warning signs

COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you develop such symptoms stay home and call a doctor to avoid infections, an emergency medical team will come to your home.

About Faivish Pewzner

Faivish Pewzner is a well-organized and challenge-driven chief operating officer of The Americare Companies. In the society he is recognized for being a person with extensive expertise in the medical industry.
This Brooklyn native was born 1956. In the years following his graduation from Brooklyn college, he realized himself as a dynamic and results-driven professional. Pewzner is skilled at providing superior customer service, while creating a distinguished career by leading the clinical operations within Americare. Among the colleagues he is regarded as a highly qualified professional with a passion for patient safety and quality.
With superb interpersonal skills Mr. Pewzner is able to:
effectively collaborate with management and coworkers;
build a positive and cohesive work environment;
embrace new challenges;
and contribute to the organization’s overall success.

His skills include:
Community Relations;
Program Development;
Grant Administration;
Contract Negotiations;
Financial Budgeting;
Project Management;
Strategic Planning;
Multi-Site Operations Management
For more information about him, visit the interview on Inspirery.

Faivish Pewzner

Faivish Pewzner is the current COO of the Americare Companies. He was born 1956 in Brooklyn. He attended Brooklyn College. After graduating, Faivish Pewzner started working in the medical industry. He worked at the position of executive director at Americare’s hospital in North Brunswick, before serving as a COO of The Americare Companies. Serving as the COO of Americare, he provides superior customer service for clients throughout the greater New York City region. The company is now rated as the best operating health care company in New York by CMS with a top rating of 5 stars. Currently, it manages more than six facilities in this region. The total number of beds provided from this company are more than 500.
Faivish Pewzner, until now is a highly qualified professional with extensive expertise in the medical industry. As the COO, Pewzner has played a huge role in the long-term quality of care initiatives, market assessment, bottom-line planning, staffing and talent management, and change management at the Americare Companies.

Faivish Pewzner Talks About His Life

Faivish Pewzner is a leader for healthcare services in the greater New York City region. His company is based out of Brooklyn, New York but he has clients all over the three-state region.
His hard work is only one small piece of his life as he works hard on giving back to the community and his family. Recently, he helped to lead a groundbreaking ceremony of the new women's Mikvah Mei Chaya Mushka in Crown Heights neighborhood and this was such a well received event the first time he did it that he decided to make it a yearly donation and event to further educate the public and the community about the great things the Jewish community of New York is involved in.

Interviewer: How did you get started in this business? What inspired you to start this business?

Faivish Pewzner: It always inspired me to help other people who need assistance and are less fortunate then we are. It is in our religion and in our manta to do good. That is why Americare is such a great fit for us.

Interviewer: How do you make money?

Faivish Pewzner: We are a corporation called Americare that is the number 1 rated health care agency for great hospitable health in the region. We cover Sullivan, Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam, Orange, Westchester, Rockland, The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Suffolk, Staten Island, and Nassau county.

Interviewer: How long did it take for you to become profitable?

Faivish Pewzner: We got the business off the ground relatively quickly. We have very hard working staff that is dedicated and passionate towards helping others. Thanks to these goals and culture for our company we had no issue being profitable by the end of our first full year in business.

Interviewer: When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?

Faivish Pewzner: We have some of the best trained medical professionals in the world here in New York. This helps incredibly as we cover and service for different health management programs such as Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, Parkinson, stroke victims, dementia, depression, insomnia, and a whole slew of therapy services.

Interviewer: What is the toughest decision you've had to make in the last few months?

Faivish Pewzner: We wanted to find the best way to offer the free trips to the Jewish Children's museum in Brooklyn, New York where we let anybody accompany a grandparent to the museum in exchange for us offering a 15% discount on their trip. We want to let the region know about our good deeds and how we strive to bring family closer together.

Interviewer: What do you think it is that makes you successful?

Faivish Pewzner: Hard work and sensibility. Giving back is the most enriching part of my day and I enjoy that the most. Doing what is good for others and the rest follows.

Interviewer: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Faivish Pewzner: Working because I want to and I enjoy helping the community not because I need to work to pay the bills.

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