Hire Typographers in the United Kingdom

Hire top professional typographers in the United Kingdom. Get the best typography services in three easy steps: Signup, upload your project brief, and request for quotes from freelancers of your choice!



Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Publishing professional with over ten years' experience, specialising in cover design and layout for non-fiction and sport.

Work experience:

  • Birlinn Ltd, Arena Sport, Polygon
  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Sports & Outdoors



Cambridge, United Kingdom

Book cover design for fiction, short stories and other made up things. Photograph and text-wrangling, some illustration.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Undertow Publications

Services: Design Cover Design Typography

Genres: Literary Fiction, Fiction, Horror, Thriller & Suspense, Anthologies, Short Story, Mystery & Crime, Science Fiction, Dystopian



Hassocks, United Kingdom

Book jacket design designer with over twenty years experience in the industry.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design Production Management

Genres: Literary Fiction, Fiction, Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Political Science & Current Affairs, Humanities & Social Sciences, Philosophy, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Technology



London, United Kingdom

🟡 Experienced book designer available for book cover and interior book design/typesetting, specialised in Self Publishing. 🟡

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design

Genres: Romance, Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Christian Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Poetry, Thriller & Suspense, Humor & Comedy, Self-Help & Self-Improvement



Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Over 25 years in publishing design, specialising in non-fiction titles. I spent 15 years as a senior designer at Oxford University Press.

Work experience:

  • Oxford University Press
  • Meaden Creative

Services: Design Cover Design Typography Book Interior Design

Genres: Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Political Science & Current Affairs, Humanities & Social Sciences, Sports & Outdoors, History, Law, Economics, Parenting & Families, Education & Reference



London, United Kingdom

I have over 20 years experience in designing bestselling book covers

Work experience:

  • Simon and Schuster
  • Transworld

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Historical Fiction, Fiction, Thriller & Suspense, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction



Brighton, United Kingdom

Graphic Design professional with over 20 years experience specialising in cover design and illustration.

Work experience:

  • Warner Music
  • Penguin Books UK
  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Nature, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense



Derby, UK

I’m a seasoned cover illustrator with more than a decade of experience, collaborating with some of the leading figures in science fiction!

Work experience:

  • Ogden Media Ltd
  • Daniel Arenson
  • Chris Fox Writes
  • Not Yet Studios

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Military Science Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction, Space Opera, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy

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Hire the best typographers in the UK

If your book is graphically complex, as is the case with cookbooks, textbooks, reference books, poetry books, and graphic novels, collaborating with a professional typographer will help you ensure that your book makes use of the best possible type (also known as book font) for its aims.

Drawing from their years of experience in the publishing industry and their acute sense of graphic design, our typographers in the UK will look for or create a font that embodies your work’s sensibility, and which works with the amount of spacing designated in your layout design. Their work often goes unnoticed, but that’s the sign of a typographical success — when it flawlessly fits into place, never making the reader pay attention to the formatting of the work.

To hire a typographer in the UK or beyond, simply sign up to Reedsy’s marketplace today and browse the portfolios of our typography specialists today.

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Successful authors build talented teams around them to bring their book to life. Through the Reedsy Marketplace, you can meet the industry’s top professional book editors, cover designers, book marketers and ghostwriters. Reedsy professionals know the publishing landscape better than a writer knows the taste of hot coffee, come meet them. Create your free Reedsy account and start requesting free quotes and honest advice today.