Hillel Selznick

Hillel Selznick – Marketer

Hillel Selznick is an American artist, born in New York City. His abstract paintings are composed of brushy layers of alternating colors.


Hillel Selznick is an American artist, born in New York City. His abstract paintings are composed of brushy layers of alternating colors squares or stripes. Hillel Selznick is one of the most influential contemporary abstraction painters. He is known for his well-composed, delicate paintings that combine European painting with the distinctly American character of abstraction. His paintings achieve a balance between calm reflection and an intrinsic vitality, making them extremely pleasing to look at. Selznick is an artist who has spent a great deal of time and effort in negotiations between the monumental and the intimate. His work is defined by intense concentration and care, involving constant negotiation between the colossal and the intimate. While giving primary importance to physicality, Selznick’s art often features emotional fluctuations that are both expressive and powerful.

Work experience


Jan, 1990 — Present


What is Abstract Art?

Abstract art is a genre of art that combines the techniques of painting and sculpture with the ideas and concepts of modern architecture. Abstract art is often related to Dada, Futurism, Minimalism, and constructivism.

What is Abstract Art?

Abstract art is a genre of art that combines the techniques of painting and sculpture with the ideas and concepts of modern architecture. Abstract art often relates to Dada, Futurism, Minimalism, and constructivism.

What is the difference between Abstract Art and Other Art Forms?

The main difference between abstract art and other art forms is that abstract art is often related to ideas and concepts from modern architecture. Other art forms might focus on specific subjects or events, while abstract art may explore more general topics.

How to Create an abstract painting

When creating an abstract painting, it's important to use a variety of techniques. You can use a paintbrush, a pencil, or a crayon to create the shapes and patterns that you want in your painting. You can also use light and shadow to create depth and interest.

Tips for Painting Abstract Art

There are a few general tips you can follow when painting abstract art. First, use a light and dark palette to create an impactful effect. Second, avoid using too much color in your paintings. Third, focus on the shapes and patterns in your artwork. Lastly, be sure to provide a clear and concise message in your paintings.

Tips and Tricks for Creative Abstract Painting

Abstract painting is a type of painting that is often characterized by its loose composition and its use of color only for effect. However, there are many ways to create abstract paintings, no matter how experienced you may be. If you want to learn how to create beautiful abstract paintings, start with these simple tips by abstract painter Hillel Selznick.

Choose the right medium

When you're choosing the right medium for your abstract painting, Hillel Selznick indicates that it's important to consider the type of paint you want to use. If you want to create a loose, impressionistic style of painting, then a watercolour is the perfect medium. If you want to create a more rigid, Cubist style of painting, then a canvas made of canvas or paper will be better.

Practice before you produce

One of the best ways to learn how to create beautiful abstract paintings is to practice. The more you practice, the better you will become at it. The more abstract your paintings become, the more important it is to have a clear vision for them and to be able to communicate that vision effectively.

Experiment with different colors and shapes

According to Hillel Selznick, osne of the most important things you can do when creating abstract paintings is to experiment with different colors and shapes. Before you start painting, think about what you want your painting to look like. Once you know what you want, start painting by using a few basic colors and shapes.

Use perspective to create depth

Hillel Selznick points out that when creating abstract paintings, you use perspective to create depth. This means that you place your objects in a certain order, and then use the perspective of the camera to see the objects from a different perspective. This can make your paintings look 3-D or even like they're floating in space. You can also use perspective to add movement to your paintings. For example, you can place people in different positions and then use perspective to see them move.

Be creative and be persistent

The first step in creating beautiful abstract paintings, shared by Hillel Selznick, is being creative and persistent. You'll need to be able to take your time and work on your pieces for a long period of time if you want to create high-quality abstract paintings. If you're not patient, you'll likely not achieve the results you desire.

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