Dr David Gerber

Dr David Gerber – Marketer

Dr David Gerber is a licensed and board certified expert cosmetic gynecologist who practices in Toronto, Canada.


Dr David Gerber is an internationally-recognized Toronto, Canada -based Plastic Surgeon who specializes in labia reduction surgery. He delivers life changing results with precision using the proprietary techniques for labiaplasty which he developed over the last decade. He has dedicated his career to women’s sexual health returning functionality and confidence to his patients.

Dr. David Gerber graduated from Medical School at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. He spent a year in Ciskei, South Africa, doing Internal Medicine and Obstetrics, and Gynecology after completing his internship in Cape Town. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. After finishing his residency, he did a subspecialty in Incontinence Surgery in Toronto. He earned a Master in Health Sciences in Bioethics at the University of Toronto in 2004.

He studied academic gynecology at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Science Centre in Toronto during this timeframe, with an interest in minimally invasive surgery, colposcopy, and emergency gynecology.

Dr. Gerber is a member of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and the American College Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

He has extensive experience in performing minimally invasive clinic-based surgery, procedures for fibroids, heavy vaginal bleeding, vulva disease, and precancerous lesions of the vulva, vagina, and cervix (abnormal pap tests). In addition, he has developed a successful micro-surgical procedure for labia reduction surgery and is a resource for this condition.

Health & Wellbeing

Work experience

Meridia Medical

Feb, 2017 — Present

Dr David Gerber is a Canadian labiaplasty surgeon and performs a high volume of labia reduction surgeries in his practice.


What is Vaginal Rejuvenation (AKA Labial Reduction or Labiaplasty)?

Vaginal rejuvenation (labiaplasty) is performed to turn back the clock on external vaginal tissues, known as the labia. This procedure is typically performed on the labia minora, which are the smaller, more sensitive inner lips.

Some women experience excessive tissue in the labia minora with age, after childbirth, or due to genetics. The excess tissues may extend beyond the outer vaginal tissues (labia majora) and can interfere with many normal functions including sexual intercourse, insertion of tampons, or during exercise. During labial reduction surgery, the excess tissues are carefully removed to permanently fix this problem.

A hymenoplasty is another vaginal rejuvenation procedure that can re-tighten the hymenal tissues that are ruptured as women experience their first sexual intercourse. This is an effective technique to restore a women’s vagina to its youthful, virginal state.

What Are The Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or VRS, is a surgical procedure that can help address the symptoms of menopause in women. Through this procedure, women who have lost elasticity in their outer vaginal walls may be able to regain it. This process is also known as rejuvenation surgery. Vaginal rejuvenation offers several benefits for women who undergo the procedure. Here are some of the top benefits:

Restore Vaginal Tightness and Function
VRS can help restore the elasticity in the outer vaginal walls for a more comfortable sex life. This can improve the tightness and elasticity of your vaginal walls, which can lead to more comfortable intercourse. Some women who have lost elasticity in the vaginal walls have also reported issues with dryness and pain. With VRS, you may be able to experience improved dryness and less pain during sex. This can lead to a more pleasurable sex life and improved sexual function.

Ease Sexual Dysfunction
VRS can ease sexual dysfunction. This is a common condition that affects many women during menopause. Sexual dysfunction is defined as a decrease in the ability to experience sexual pleasure or arousal. This can affect how you feel about your body and your sex life. You may also experience sexual anxiety, or fear around sex because of your body image or performance. VRS can help restore the elasticity in the outer vaginal walls and improve blood flow in your pelvic area. This can help improve the strength of your pelvic floor muscles, which in turn can ease sexual dysfunction.

Reduce the Risk of Vaginal Cancer
VRS can help reduce the risk of vaginal cancer. This is because the procedure can help improve the strength of your pelvic floor muscles. Stronger pelvic floor muscles can help to prevent uterine prolapse. Uterine prolapse is when the tissues of the uterus drop into the vaginal canal. This can increase your risk of developing vaginal cancer. VRP is one of the most common causes of vaginal dysfunctions. Uterine prolapse is a condition that is associated with uterine prolapse. Patients with uterine prolapse may experience a lack of vaginal lubrication, pain, and discomfort during sex. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or VRS, can help to restore the elasticity in the outer vaginal walls and increase blood flow to the region. This can help improve vaginal lubrication and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Achieving better vaginal lubrication and higher levels of sexual satisfaction can help to reduce the risk of developing vaginal cancer.

Boost Your Confidence and Sense of Beauty
VRS can help boost your confidence and sense of beauty. Many women who undergo VRS experience a boost in their self-esteem and confidence. This is because they may feel more attractive and sexy after the procedure. You may also experience a boost in your self-esteem and confidence due to the decreased risk of sexual dysfunction. Achieving better sexual function can help to boost your confidence and sense of beauty.

Improve Your Overall Health
VRS can help improve your overall health. Improved blood flow in the pelvic region can increase your energy levels and help to reduce stress. It can also increase your metabolic rate, helping to burn calories and boost your metabolism. This can help to ensure you have adequate energy levels and don’t experience any issues with fatigue.

Key Takeaways
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or VRS, can help to restore the elasticity in the outer vaginal walls. This can lead to improved sexual function and a more comfortable sex life. VRS can also help to reduce the risk of developing vaginal cancer and ease sexual dysfunction. VRS can boost your confidence and sense of beauty, improving your overall health and overall well-being.

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