Education & Reference Translation Services

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Home > United States > Book Translators > Education & Reference


Albuquerque, NM, USA

Spanish-to-English translator and translation assessor since 2004. Bilingual copy editor. Literature and nonfiction.

Work experience:

  • Journal of the American Academy of Religion
  • Self-employed
  • SDI Mexico
  • Various Type Shops (see below)

Services: Translation Book Translation Translation Assessment

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Education & Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Art, Humanities & Social Sciences



Greenville, IL, USA

ATA-certified French to English translator specializing in literature, academic writing, and translation review and assessment.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Translation Book Translation Translation Assessment

Genres: Historical Fiction, Fiction, Short Story, Philosophy, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Sociology, Education & Reference, Science Fiction, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction

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Hire the best education and reference book translators

Educational and reference books are vital resources that help readers acquire new knowledge and skills. When translating these books, accuracy and clarity are key — every fact, figure, and instruction needs to be meticulously translated to ensure that your content is easily understood across different languages and cultures. Hiring a translator with expertise in education and reference books ensures that your material is both precise and accessible.

At Reedsy, we offer access to highly skilled translators who specialize in educational and reference texts. Our translators are experienced in adapting complex information into clear, readable content that remains accurate across languages. Create a free account to explore profiles and find the perfect translator for your educational book today.

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