Politics Translation Services

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Chula Vista, CA, USA

Freelance translator for over 25 years. English, Spanish, and Portuguese in any direction. Specialize in literature and the social sciences.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas
  • Aventine Press
  • Projeto Obe Lawo
  • Hewlett-Packard

Services: Translation Book Translation

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Political Science & Current Affairs, Sociology, Literary Fiction, Fiction, Cultural & Ethnic, Contemporary Fiction

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Hire the best political book translators

Political books often tackle complex topics, from current events to political theory, and translating them requires a deep understanding of both language and the political landscape. A skilled political book translator ensures that your analysis and arguments are clear, accurate, and culturally relevant, allowing your work to reach readers in different regions without losing its original force.

At Reedsy, our political book translators have extensive experience in translating works on politics, policy, and governance. Whether your book covers global affairs, historical political events, or advocacy, our translators will help ensure that your ideas are communicated effectively to readers worldwide. Sign up today to connect with expert political book translators.

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