Formatting & Typesetting made easy

Export to EPUB or PDF and self-publish a beautiful, professionally typeset book.


Your book, your style

Envision your book in its finished form from your first keystroke. Customize the look and feel of your typesetting as soon as you start writing.

Customize your front matter

Want a preface? A dedication? It’s easy to create and organize your sections. And don’t worry about the copyright page or table of contents — Studio creates them for you.

Choose how to start your chapters

Numbers, titles, drop caps, images — there’s no wrong way to introduce a chapter. With Studio, decide how to present each new section of your story.

Pick your favorite theme

Choose from a selection of professionally designed themes for every genre. Each book exported with Studio is guaranteed to look professional and indistinguishable from that of a major publisher.


Export to EPUB ready for ebookstores

In just a few minutes, Studio can generate a flawless, reflowable EPUB 3 that looks great on any device. We have rigorously tested our EPUBs to ensure maximum compatibility with all distributors and retailers.


Typeset to professionally designed themes

The art of interior book design — or typesetting — used to be reserved for professionals only. With Studio, you can now achieve the same level of quality, and generate a stunning print-ready PDF that's compatible with all major print-on-demand distributors.

Pick your trim size

Choose from a range of trim sizes, from pocket to large, and see your book come to life.

Ready for print-on-demand

Create beautiful physical copies of your book. Export a print-ready PDF that you can upload to any major POD service.

Take a step closer to publishing

Access Studio by creating a free Reedsy account.


How do I format a book with Reedsy Studio?

Glad you asked! That’s the beauty of Reedsy Studio: it automatically typesets and formats your book for you as you write, so you don’t need to worry about any of the formatting errors that might otherwise crop up for you in processors that weren’t built for authors. Beyond typesetting, you also gain access to a powerful array of formatting features underneath your fingertips in Reedsy Studio. From easily adding images to automatically justifying titles and paragraphs, Reedsy Studio takes care of it all for you, so that you only need to concentrate on your writing.

How does Studio help me typeset my manuscript?

We created our app with authors In mind, so professional standards of typesetting are automatically built into Reedsy Studio. You can be confident that every manuscript published with Reedsy Studio meets industry standards for trade publications.

What export options does Studio offer?

Reedsy’s writing software exports files in the following formats:

  • EPUB 3 (which works great on all major ebook stores)
  • PDF (PDF/X-1a:2001 for print-on-demand)

Our EPUB 3 and PDF files are compatible with all major distributors and retailers.

Can I customize my fonts?

Of course! On top of font size, you can also format your book by customizing line height, language, and theme. To do so, simply navigate to your “Settings” at the bottom of the right sidebar. Note that these settings only control how you visualize the text in the tool — they do not affect your exported books. Customization of your exports is available on the export page.

What trim size should I use?

Your print book can be exported to a range of popular trim sizes: Trade: 6 x 9” inch, Digest: 5.5 x 8.5” inch, Reedsy standard: 5 x 8” inch, and Pocket: 4.25 x 6.87” inch. For more information about which trim size you should use, please refer to this blog post on standard book sizes.

Can I customize what my export looks like?

Yes. In fact, we recommend that you customize your export depending on which genre you write in. Currently, we offer three export templates that allow you to customize your export:

  • Reedsy: a modern theme typeset in Lato and Merriweather. Great for non-fiction
  • Classic: a traditional theme to give your book a professional edge. It’s typeset in Crimson, a beautiful old style type, and inspired by the work of designers like Jan Tschichold (Sabon), Robert Slimbach (Arno, Minion) and Jonathan Hoefler (Hoefler Text)
  • Romance: this theme is suggested for romance authors only! It’s typeset in Crimson, but with a decorative chapter title and ornament.

All three were designed by professionals from the Reedsy community, and follow the industry's best practices to ensure that your final copy is formatted both correctly and beautifully.

Is Studio free?

Yes! Reedsy Studio is currently 100% free. There will be premium features available for purchase in the future, but they are optional. Every functionality that you need to write a book in Reedsy Studio will remain free.

I’d like to share feedback about Reedsy’s already-awesome writing software and make it even better! How can I do that?

We work hard to improve our product. Feel free to share your product feedback, thoughts, and ideas with us by filling in this form. Thank you!

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The Ultimate FREE Book-Formatting App

Try Reedsy Studio: the free formatting app used by thousands of authors every day.