The best freelancers for hire in Sweden

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I'm a children's book illustrator who love to create scenes full of life and emotion.

Genres: Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's, and Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Stabenfeldt AB
  • Self-employed

Jessica 5 star rating

Gothenburg, Sweden

I am a freelance book editor with over a decade of experience working at Penguin Random House specializing in adult suspense fiction.

Genres: Mystery & Crime, Fiction, Dystopian, Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, and Thriller & Suspense.

Work experience:

  • Penguin Random House

Memoir, history, culture, and nature: I love working at the point where nonfiction gets truly creative without leaving behind the facts.

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Nature, Sports & Outdoors, and Travel.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Sheil Land Associates
  • Erotic Review magazine
  • Waterstones Cambridge
  • The Reader Berlin

George Cotronis is an illustrator, editor and graphic designer.

Genres: Horror, Thriller & Suspense, Fiction, Military Science Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Romantic Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal Romance, New Adult, and Young Adult.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Ben 5 star rating

Gothenburg, Sweden

Artist who loves narrative illustration using analogue and digital media. Interested in nature, technology, sociology, sci-fi.

Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Fiction, Time Travel, Earth, Space, & Environmental Sciences, Math & Science, Non-Fiction, Short Story, Technology, Sociology, Humanities & Social Sciences, Middle Grade, and Children's.

Work experience:

  • Freelance

Elinor 5 star rating

Göteborg, Sweden

Passionate and precise editor and former literary agent with nearly two decades' experience of children's books, fiction and non-fiction.

Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Picture Books, Literary Fiction, Young Adult, and Comics & Graphic Novels.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Diamond Kahn & Woods
  • Rochelle Stevens & Co
  • AP Watt Ltd

Emelie 5 star rating

Stockholm, Sweden

Experienced children's book illustrator specialized in lighthearted and colourful illustrations.

Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, and Non-Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

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I'm a fantasy illustrator with many years of experience designing high quality artwork for games, books and various other projects.

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Action & Adventure, and Young Adult.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Northlandic Games

Josefin 5 star rating

Stockholm, Sweden

Hey there! I'm Josefin - a designer with a passion for creating eye-catching book covers.

Genres: Classics, Fiction, Poetry, Contemporary Fiction, Photography, Non-Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, Anthologies, Art, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Design.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Tone 5 star rating

Stockholm, Sweden

A senior web and digital designer passionate about crafting memorable and trustworthy websites that inspire and resonate with their users.

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Photography, Health & Wellbeing, Economics, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Psychology.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Illustrator and graphic designer focusing on children's books and character design. Working both with traditional and digital methods.🌱

Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Nature.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Ride All Day AB

Lisa 5 star rating

Stockholm, Sweden

Crowdfunding consultant for authors and illustrators helping over a hundred authors crowdfund over $1.5M for their books on Kickstarter.

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Parenting & Families, Travel, Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, and Middle Grade.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Slow Travel Stockholm

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