The best ghostwriters for hire in Ireland

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John 5 star rating

Dublin, Ireland

Expert in business and memoir. I’ve worked closely with Penguin Random House and co-created books with hundreds of Amazon five star reviews

Genres: Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, and Health & Wellbeing.

Work experience:

  • Freelance

Nicola 5 star rating

Drogheda, County Louth, Ireland

I'm an award winning ghostwriter, traditionally published author and screenwriter.

Genres: Historical Fiction, Fiction, Historical Mysteries, Mystery & Crime, and Contemporary Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Bombshell Books (Bloodhound Books)
  • Poolbeg Press Ltd
  • TBC
  • Authentic Creativity
  • Orpen Press
  • Louth County Council
  • Self-employed

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Hire the best ghostwriters in Ireland

Ghostwriters are a godsend for aspiring authors who have the knowledge, expertise, or ideas needed to get a book started, but lack the time or know-how to put it into words. Our ghostwriters in Ireland can work with you to develop and outline your idea into a book-length project, as well as write it all out and shape the book with your guidance.

Professional ghostwriters are literary chameleons, and know how to pick up each client’s unique voice, making sure it doesn’t get lost in translation. To hire a ghostwriter in Ireland, simply sign up to Reedsy’s marketplace and browse the profiles of our expert ghosts.

Look for ghostwriters who have experience writing in your genre, and request a writing sample if you want to get a sense of their style. Our ghostwriters in Ireland and beyond are hand-picked from the top 3% of applications we receive, so you can be assured that their instincts are backed with years and years of industry experience.

Browse our marketplace today to hire a ghostwriter in Ireland, your next creative partner.

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How it works

Browse profiles, request quotes, then collaborate.

Step 1

Apply filters

Reedsy is home to thousands of professionals. Select the specific services you need and narrow your search based on your book’s genre and requirements.

Step 2


Then, browse professional profiles to find out more about their personalities and past projects.

Step 3

Request quotes

Request quotes from up to five freelancers at any time. They’ll look at your sample pages to give you a tailored quote as well as a sense of how they work.

Step 4


Once you agree on terms and a timeline, you’ll start collaborating using the many communication and editing tools available on Reedsy.