Hire Ghostwriters near Oxford
Hire top freelance ghostwriters in Oxford. Get the best ghostwriting service in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
Hire top freelance ghostwriters in Oxford. Get the best ghostwriting service in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
In-demand award-winning writer (BBC, The FT, The Guardian, The Sunday Times) and non-fiction author (Clearing The Air, and The Last Drop).
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting Book Proposal Short Form Content
Genres: Agriculture, Non-Fiction, Earth, Space, & Environmental Sciences, Math & Science, Life Sciences, Nature, Technology
Highly-experienced and award-winning ghostwriter of biographies and other business and leadership books. I tell fabulous stories.
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting Book Proposal
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management
I have six books in 17 languages. I love ghostwriting with authentic voices and powerful tales, especially in middle grade and parenting
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting
Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Parenting & Families, Non-Fiction, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Middle Grade Fantasy
I am a published author, ghostwriter and screenwriter with over ten years' experience of collaborating with clients
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting Book Proposal Short Form Content
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Health & Wellbeing, Music, Humanities & Social Sciences, Entertainment, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Sports & Outdoors, True Crime
I have ghosted over 60 books, many of them bestsellers, for major publishers as well as private commissions.
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Health & Wellbeing, Political Science & Current Affairs, Humanities & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Psychology, Entertainment, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Parenting & Families
Award-winning ghostwriter, author and editor. Works with private clients, businesses, celebrities and publishers in a wide range of genres.
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits, Inspirational, Entertainment, Education & Reference, Sports & Outdoors, Thriller & Suspense, Fiction
I'm an award-winning ghostwriter of over 25 books, helping experts and entrepreneurs build their credibility with a book. Business, memoir.
Work experience:
Services: Ghostwriting Book Proposal
Genres: Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Health & Wellbeing, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Biographies & Memoirs, Career Guides, Psychology, Humanities & Social Sciences, Technology, Writing & Publishing
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Successful authors build talented teams around them to bring their book to life. Through the Reedsy Marketplace, you can meet the industry’s top professional book editors, cover designers, book marketers and ghostwriters. Reedsy professionals know the publishing landscape better than a writer knows the taste of hot coffee, come meet them. Create your free Reedsy account and start requesting free quotes and honest advice today.