The best book illustrators for hire in Sweden

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I'm a children's book illustrator who love to create scenes full of life and emotion.

Genres: Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's, and Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Stabenfeldt AB
  • Self-employed

George Cotronis is an illustrator, editor and graphic designer.

Genres: Horror, Thriller & Suspense, Fiction, Military Science Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Romantic Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal Romance, New Adult, and Young Adult.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Ben 5 star rating

Gothenburg, Sweden

Artist who loves narrative illustration using analogue and digital media. Interested in nature, technology, sociology, sci-fi.

Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Fiction, Time Travel, Earth, Space, & Environmental Sciences, Math & Science, Non-Fiction, Short Story, Technology, Sociology, Humanities & Social Sciences, Middle Grade, and Children's.

Work experience:

  • Freelance

Emelie 5 star rating

Stockholm, Sweden

Experienced children's book illustrator specialized in lighthearted and colourful illustrations.

Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, and Non-Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

I'm a fantasy illustrator with many years of experience designing high quality artwork for games, books and various other projects.

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Action & Adventure, and Young Adult.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Northlandic Games

Illustrator and graphic designer focusing on children's books and character design. Working both with traditional and digital methods.🌱

Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Nature.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • Ride All Day AB

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Hire the best book illustrators in Sweden

Have you crafted a book that would blossom with the help of accompanying illustrations?

From helping bring fantasy worlds to life to giving children’s picture books quirk and personality, illustrations add a lot of value to a piece of writing, making it more immersive and compelling.

The style of each illustrator is unique, so have a look on our marketplace to find the illustrator in Sweden or further afield whose work you feel most closely matches the spirit of your work. Our talented pros have worked across a variety of genres, illustrating mythology guides, middle grade novels, cookbooks, mystery books, and encyclopedias, so you’re bound to find someone with a style and portfolio that would work for you.

To hire the best book illustrators in Sweden and beyond, simply sign up to Reedsy’s marketplace today. Get a sense for each person’s style by flicking through their portfolio, then get in touch with them to see what they think of your project.

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Reedsy is home to thousands of professionals. Select the specific services you need and narrow your search based on your book’s genre and requirements.

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Then, browse professional profiles to find out more about their personalities and past projects.

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Request quotes

Request quotes from up to five freelancers at any time. They’ll look at your sample pages to give you a tailored quote as well as a sense of how they work.

Step 4


Once you agree on terms and a timeline, you’ll start collaborating using the many communication and editing tools available on Reedsy.