Hire Book Illustrators near Portland

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Portland, ME, United States

I'm an art director, graphic designer and illustrator that loves book design, typography and the interplay of graphics and text.

Work experience:

  • HarperCollins Publishers
  • Macmillan Children's Books
  • Sellers Publishing, Inc.

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design

Genres: Romance, Fiction, Picture Books, Children's, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Nature, Home & Garden, Middle Grade, Education & Reference, Middle Grade Fantasy



Portland, Maine, USA

Editorial cartoonist and freelance illustrator specializing in humorous illustrations for kids and adults – a master of many styles.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Illustration

Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Picture Books, Humor & Comedy, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Political Science & Current Affairs, Humanities & Social Sciences, Biographies & Memoirs



Portland, OR, USA

Freelance illustrator with over six years of experience, a whimsical style and love of children's stories!

Work experience:

  • Willamette Week
  • Self-employed
  • George Fox University
  • Soma Games

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Picture Books, Comics & Graphic Novels



Portland, OR, USA

I'm a writer and illustrator with over a decade of experience with publishers like Simon and Schuster, Archie and IDW. Let's talk!

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Illustration Book Interior Design

Genres: Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction, Comics Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction



New York, United States

I am an illustrator interested in making images with strong moods and narratives.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Illustration

Genres: Action & Adventure, Fiction, Classics, Mystery & Crime, Dystopian, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, LGBTQ Fiction, Literary Fiction, Short Story



Seattle, WA, United States

Hi! I'm a cover designer with 10 years of experience, specializing in YA fiction. Clients include HarperCollins and Galison/Mudpuppy.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design

Genres: Young Adult, Fiction, Architecture, Non-Fiction, Art, Humanities & Social Sciences, Design, Literary Fiction, Women's Fiction, Self-Help & Self-Improvement

Caroline Teagle

Caroline Teagle

Brooklyn, NY, United States

I am not accepting any new requests to collaborate at this time.

Work experience:

  • Penguin Random House
  • Random House
  • Penguin Publishing Group
  • HarperCollins

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design Production Management

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Women's Fiction, Entertainment, Mystery & Crime, True Crime, Thriller & Suspense



White Plains, NY, United States

Creative art director and book cover designer specializing in commercial woman's fiction, young adult, and romance.

Work experience:

  • Penguin Random House (Formally Penguin Group USA)
  • Penguin Group USA
  • St. Martin's Press
  • Tor Publishing Group

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Literary Fiction, Fiction, Romance, Young Adult, Historical Fiction, African American Fiction, Anthologies, Women's Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense

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Hire the best book illustrators in Portland, Oregon

Based in Portland, Oregon, and hoping to hire an illustrator for your book? You’ve come to the right place. From picture books to fantasy and science fiction, our book illustrators for hire have experience across a number of genres, and each of them can lend your book their individual style.

Hand-picked as the top 3% of applicants to our marketplace, our book illustrators in Portland and beyond have years of experience creating artwork for big 5 publishers, independent presses, and bestselling titles. To see their portfolios and choose the artists whose style speaks to you the most, simply sign up to Reedsy today and filter our illustrators’ profiles by your preferred genre.

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