The best historical romance book ghostwriting services
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Looking for help to piece together your idea for a love story set in the past? Then consider hiring an historical novel ghostwriter to help you knit together historically accurate events with the fictional story you want to tell. By closely working with you, they will help you bring your characters to life and turn your book idea into a finished novel.
The historical romance ghostwriters on Reedsy are great professionals who have written dozens of books themselves, including many Kindle best-sellers, so you can be sure the quality of your book will meet the highest industry standards. Sign up for a free Reedsy account and connect with your ideal ghostwriter today.
How it works
Browse profiles, request quotes, then collaborate.
Step 1
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Reedsy is home to thousands of professionals. Select the specific services you need and narrow your search based on your book’s genre and requirements.
Step 2
Then, browse professional profiles to find out more about their personalities and past projects.
Step 3
Request quotes
Request quotes from up to five freelancers at any time. They’ll look at your sample pages to give you a tailored quote as well as a sense of how they work.
Step 4
Once you agree on terms and a timeline, you’ll start collaborating using the many communication and editing tools available on Reedsy.