The best fantasy book translation services

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Edward 5 star rating

Woodland, CA, USA

Guggenheim Fellow. Independent scholar. Award-winning translator of literature, speculative fiction, and more than 450 graphic novels!

Genres: Literary Fiction, Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Children's, Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, Mystery & Crime, History, and Humanities & Social Sciences.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Tanya 5 star rating

Boston, MA, USA

French to English Translator with 25+ translations published. Expertise in SFF, horror, kidlit, game books, tie-ins, and graphic novels.

Genres: Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction, Science Fiction, Middle Grade, Children's, Gaming & LitRPG, Fantasy, Cozy Mysteries, Mystery & Crime, Young Adult, Horror, and Thriller & Suspense.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Frank 5 star rating

Austin, TX, USA

Native German with Ph.D. in American literature. Translated numerous books (science fiction, fantasy, LitRPG, mystery) into German.

Genres: Gaming & LitRPG, Fantasy, Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Action & Adventure, Urban Fantasy, Military Science Fiction, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Dystopian.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

Jaime 5 star rating

Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Longtime German-English translator with 20+ published novel translations. Experienced with romance, fantasy, suspense, humor...

Genres: Contemporary Romance, Romance, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Humor & Comedy, Literary Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult, Music, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Non-Fiction.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed

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Hire the best fantasy book translators

Fantasy books transport readers to magical realms filled with epic quests, mythical creatures, and complex worlds. Translating these rich, imaginative stories requires a translator who not only understands the intricacies of language but also the vast landscapes of fantasy fiction. To ensure your fantasy novel retains its immersive world-building and emotional resonance in other languages, you’ll need a translator with genre-specific expertise.

A skilled fantasy translator not only preserves the imaginative scope of your story but also ensures that cultural references, magical systems, and fantasy terminology are adapted with precision. From high fantasy epics to urban fantasy adventures, they’ll help you maintain consistency in your world’s logic and ensure that readers across the globe are just as captivated by your tale as those reading the original.

Reedsy’s marketplace connects you with professional fantasy translators who have a deep understanding of the genre. Whether it's preserving your magical systems, character development, or intricate plotlines, our translators will ensure your story captivates readers across the globe. Sign up today to browse profiles and find the perfect fantasy book translator for your epic tale.

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Once you agree on terms and a timeline, you’ll start collaborating using the many communication and editing tools available on Reedsy.