Children's Design Services
Hire top freelance children's book designing professionals on Reedsy. Perfect your book design in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
Hire top freelance children's book designing professionals on Reedsy. Perfect your book design in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
I'm an art director, graphic designer and illustrator that loves book design, typography and the interplay of graphics and text.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Romance, Fiction, Picture Books, Children's, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Nature, Home & Garden, Middle Grade, Education & Reference, Middle Grade Fantasy
I'm illustrator and Graphic Designer. I love the freedom children's book illustration brings. I love small details just kids can understand.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Book Interior Design
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Nature, Non-Fiction, Middle Grade, Life Sciences, Math & Science, Fantasy, Action & Adventure
I have illustrated children's books for Scholastic, Random House, Penguin, Grosset & Dunlap, HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design Production Management
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Middle Grade
Traditionally published children's book author/illustrator and graphic designer who loves fantasy, fairytales, food and historical fiction.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Book Interior Design
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Middle Grade, Middle Grade Fantasy, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction
Robert is Professor Emeritus of illustration, graphic design, color theory and digital imaging at VCU, and a freelance illustrator.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction
I'm an award-winning illustrator, well-versed both in realistic nature-based and fantasy painting and children's media ✨
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design
Genres: Nature, Non-Fiction, Magical Realism, Literary Fiction, Fiction, Fantasy, Children's, Historical Fiction
I offer illustrations that have fun characters, with lively gestures and expressions, designed to match your story .
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Book Interior Design
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Children’s Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction
Award winning illustrator. Clients: Macmillan, HarperCollins, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Audible, Walker Books, Highlights Magazine and Hasbro.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration
Genres: Middle Grade Fantasy, Children's, Fiction, Middle Grade, Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult, Horror, Thriller & Suspense, Science Fiction, Picture Books
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Close your eyes and think of your favorite children’s books. Does Winnie the Pooh come to mind? Where the Wild Things Are? The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Whichever book you’re picturing right now, chances are that you’re not only remembering its words, but also its beautiful illustrations that you grew up with.
That’s why it’s so important to find the right children’s book designer to create the memorable illustrations that will accompany the prose for your children’s book. With years of experience in the business and a loving touch when it comes to the book design, a good children’s book designer can take a children’s book from being simply “good” to “iconic.”
If you’re looking for the best children’s book designers available for hire, you’re in the right place. Reedsy is home to hundreds of the best publishing professionals in the industry — and we make it easy as one-two-three for you to meet them. Simply create a free account on Reedsy today to find the perfect children’s book designer for your children’s book.
Successful authors build talented teams around them to bring their book to life. Through the Reedsy Marketplace, you can meet the industry’s top professional book editors, cover designers, book marketers and ghostwriters. Reedsy professionals know the publishing landscape better than a writer knows the taste of hot coffee, come meet them. Create your free Reedsy account and start requesting free quotes and honest advice today.