Romance Design Services

Hire top freelance romance book designing professionals on Reedsy. Perfect your book design in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!



White Plains, NY, United States

Creative art director and book cover designer specializing in commercial woman's fiction, young adult, and romance.

Work experience:

  • Penguin Random House (Formally Penguin Group USA)
  • Penguin Group USA
  • St. Martin's Press
  • Tor Publishing Group

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography

Genres: Literary Fiction, Fiction, Romance, Young Adult, Historical Fiction, African American Fiction, Anthologies, Women's Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense



Portland, ME, United States

I'm an art director, graphic designer and illustrator that loves book design, typography and the interplay of graphics and text.

Work experience:

  • HarperCollins Publishers
  • Macmillan Children's Books
  • Sellers Publishing, Inc.

Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design

Genres: Romance, Fiction, Picture Books, Children's, History, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Nature, Home & Garden, Middle Grade, Education & Reference, Middle Grade Fantasy



Berkley, MI, USA

Book designer specializing in novels, offering a select interior design service for budget-conscious self-publishers.

Work experience:

  • HarperCollins Publishers
  • Self-employed

Services: Design Book Interior Design

Genres: Action & Adventure, Fiction, Middle Grade Fantasy, Children's, Contemporary Fiction, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Chick Lit, Women's Fiction



Los Angeles, CA, USA

I am a book cover designer with over 20 years of experience, both as a in-house designer in major publishing companies and as a freelancer.

Work experience:

  • Simon & Schuster
  • Penguin Random House
  • Self-employed

Services: Design Cover Design

Genres: Paranormal Romance, Romance, Fiction, True Crime, Non-Fiction, Espionage, Thriller & Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Action & Adventure



Los Angeles, CA, USA

Artist and illustrator with over 4 years of experience. I specialize in visual storytelling, fantasy, and whimsy.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • “Fast Forward to Forever” Short Film

Services: Design Illustration

Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Middle Grade Fantasy, Picture Books, LGBTQ Fiction, Romantic Fantasy, Romance



Cleveland, OH, USA

A passionate and creative book designer with a decade of experience—creating unique, beautiful, and eye-catching designs for each author!

Work experience:

  • Independent Book Publisher
  • Self-employed
  • CreateSpace, a subsidiary of
  • Healthcare Media

Services: Design Typography Book Interior Design Production Management

Genres: Women's Fiction, Fiction, Young Adult, Art, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Romance, Photography, Literary Fiction



Mesquite, NV, USA

I'm an illustrator with 10 years of experience as a freelancer in the publishing space. Whatever your needs, I'm here to help!

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • King Show Games

Services: Design Illustration

Genres: Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Gaming & LitRPG, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Paranormal Romance, New Adult, Young Adult



Simi Valley, CA, USA

I am a professional illustrator and comic artist who creates magical worlds for audiences to wander into.

Work experience:

  • Self-employed
  • LifeOmic
  • Vensure Employer Services

Services: Design Illustration

Genres: Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Gaming & LitRPG, Romance

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Hire the best romance book designers

Whether your romance novel is sugary and sweet, or steamy and sultry, you want your cover to reflect the essence of your story. To create a cover that attracters readers (and buyers), you'll need an eye for aesthetics, knowledge of market trends, and an artistic flair. This can be a lot to juggle — but luckily you can hire a romance book designer to capture your vision and execute it to a professional level.

Book designers don't only work on creating beautiful book covers. They can also create the perfect interior design, to make sure readers don't miss a beat of your heart-stopping romance. If you're ready to elevate your novel to the next level, sign up for free today and hire a romance book designer on the Reedsy marketplace.

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Successful authors build talented teams around them to bring their book to life. Through the Reedsy Marketplace, you can meet the industry’s top professional book editors, cover designers, book marketers and ghostwriters. Reedsy professionals know the publishing landscape better than a writer knows the taste of hot coffee, come meet them. Create your free Reedsy account and start requesting free quotes and honest advice today.