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Last updated Dec 20th, 2023


Want to join Reedsy as a marketer? Here’s how you can nail your profile and access high-quality projects.

The Reedsy marketplace is home to the world’s best freelance publishing professionals — and marketers are no exception. Top marketers can find indie authors to create long-term partnerships with here, so how can you also find and foster such working relationships? With a spot-on profile, of course.

Let’s take a look at three successful marketers who did it just right.

1. Laura M. Is Clear About Her Services

Book marketing can be done through many different channels and activities. To receive requests that are a good fit for your skills and interests, clearly describe what services you offer and what they mean. Are you a SEO wizard, an email marketing guru, or a “big-picture” master? While you can pick some generic services in the “Services” section, use the Overview to be more specific. Laura’ profile is a great example of this: she is clear on the tasks she can help with (and the ones she can’t).

Laura also added some testimonials from past clients to her Overview. While all Reedsy professionals have a lot of experience, this is a good way to build trust with potential clients if you’re new to the platform.

2. Emily E. Uses Selected Projects To Stand Out

On Reedsy, Projects are the best way to illustrate your impact. For each project, explain the initial brief, the approach you took, and the results you got. Show us the numbers! The more tangible the results, the better.

Emily does exactly that for books in the genres she’s selected. She makes sure to include a short but descriptive overview of what each campaign was about and its results. For an extra kick, she added images of the beautiful assets that were created for the campaigns.

A note of caution: if you have marketed many books, select just 5-8 relevant projects. Prioritize those in genres you selected, where you applied the services you're offering, or that had great results. You don’t need to share a full 20-year book marketing career!

On the contrary, if you don’t have book marketing experience, you can still apply to services like Advertising. Most of our freelancers have worked in publishing before, but you can also leverage marketing experience that can be applicable to books and authors. Simply add projects in comparable industries and show us how you helped your clients market themselves, grow their customer base, or develop their brand.

3. Shannon D. Is Concise

A great profile doesn’t need to be long, and Shannon’s is a case in point. Here are two things Shannon nailed:

1. A focused short description: In just a sentence, Shannon spotlights her specialties and her experience with big publishing houses.

2. A solid work experience section: Here again, with just one sentence for each position, Shannon effectively describes what she has achieved.


This is it! If you already have a profile and you’ve got some new ideas to improve it, you can click here to edit it.

Or if you’re new around here, sign up as a freelancer with Reedsy and start receiving book marketing requests!

Feel free to email with any profile questions!