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Freelancer FAQ

Collaborating with authors

How does contracting work on Reedsy?

To protect both clients and professionals, Reedsy provides an automated contract detailing the important terms of every collaboration. We call these “Mandatory Terms” governing any project you enter via Reedsy, including intellectual property rights.  Per clause of these Mandatory Terms, on receiving the service fee, by default, professionals assign all rights over their work to their ...
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Once my client has accepted my offer, what happens?

You will get notified via email as soon as your offer has been accepted. Once your collaboration has started, you will be able to use our collaboration tools to manage your payments, exchange messages, and share files. A copy of your contract will be made available on the “Offer” page.
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Where can I find the collaboration tools?

You will find your collaboration tools on the “Projects” page. Simply click the open button associated with the relevant client to access your payments, files, and messages.
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How can I update my payment schedule?

You can update your collaboration at any point using amendments. If you've sent a quote but the client has not accepted it, you can simply edit your offer. If you've already entered a collaboration (client has accepted your offer AND added their payment details), you can now send an amendment to change the collaboration dates. This includes the start/end date, as well as the payment dates. On...
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What do I do when I haven’t received the initial payment from my client?

Clients who accepts your offer are automatically prompted to enter their payment details before the collaboration can start. In most cases, they will do so, and you’ll get access to the usual collaboration interface. However, if a client hasn’t added payment details yet, you will see the following screen: In these rare situations, notify our Support team and ask them to get in touch with the c...
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How can my client post a review for me?

How do reviews work? All client reviews are publicly displayed on the professional’s Reedsy profile. Professionals can publicly respond to these reviews at any time. Reedsy will not remove a review unless it violates our Terms of Use. The following types of reviews are not allowed on Reedsy and will be promptly removed from the professional’s profile page: Where the collaboration was cancel...
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