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Project protection

How is my project protected on Reedsy?

Your work is protected with the Reedsy contract 📑 We know how important your work is to you, and its safety is our top priority. At Reedsy, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of service. Every transaction in compliance with our Terms of Use is covered by our Project Protection policy. That means that if you’re not happy with your collaboration, we’ll act as a mediator and help yo...
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How can I report my collaboration?

Reporting a collaboration As part of our Reedsy service, we will try to help resolve any issues that arise between a client and a professional. In the event that you cannot reach an agreement on your own, you can file a complaint with Reedsy through the "Report" tab of the relevant collaboration. We will be happy to step in and mediate if: The service provider doesn’t complete the agreed-upo...
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What is copyright and should I register my copyright?

Obligatory disclaimer: no one at Reedsy is an attorney — this is by no means professional legal advice ⚖️ What is copyright and should I register my copyright? Copyright is a legal right that prevents others from replicating your work and selling it without your consent. The great news is that copyright is automatically granted to the author from the moment they write their book. That being ...
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Can freelance professionals on Reedsy use generative AI, and can such work be copyrighted?

Here’s our take: Transparency  Any use of generative AI must be disclosed to the client prior to the start of the collaboration, and the scope should be clearly defined and delimited in offers.  For example, a designer planning on using an AI image generation tool to create cover concepts must inform the client in their offer or message and obtain the client’s written consent before proceedi...
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