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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

How can I report my collaboration?

Reporting a collaboration

As part of our Reedsy service, we will try to help resolve any issues that arise between a client and a professional. In the event that you cannot reach an agreement on your own, you can file a complaint with Reedsy through the "Report" tab of the relevant collaboration.

We will be happy to step in and mediate if:

  1. The service provider doesnโ€™t complete the agreed-upon work.
  2. The service provider doesnโ€™t complete the work within the agreed-upon time frame.
  3. The quality of the work is poor.
  4. The client provided inaccurate information when the terms of the collaboration were set.
  5. The client has expanded the scope of the contract without updating payment terms or has attempted to coerce the service provider with the promise of positive reviews.

When you submit a report, you will be required to provide a detailed outline of the issue and attach any supporting evidence. Within 21 days, we will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint Report and issue a decision, with which both the client and professional must comply.

Please note that we will not be able to review payments or consider communications and documents that were not transferred via the Reedsy platform. Reedsy is able to review claims that are reported within 7 days of the applicable incident. However, Reedsy reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to assess reports submitted after this deadline.ย 

Depending on the nature of the complaint, we might, for example, reach the decision that part of the fees paid should be refunded or deducted from the remainder left to pay, or we might suspend or terminate an account if we think thereโ€™s been a breach of our terms. Refer to our Terms of Use for more information.

Please note that if you are granted a refund, it will take some time to arrive in your account, depending on your payment method.