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Last updated Jun 27th, 2023


Want to join Reedsy as a book designer? Access high-quality projects with a stunning profile.

Being a designer on Reedsy gives you access to a fantastic range of book projects — whether you’re an illustrator, cover designer, or typesetter! To showcase your skills to those potential clients and make sure that projects requested are things you’re interested in, you’ll need to put together a great Reedsy profile.

Here are three designers that got it just right.

1. Natasha MacKenzie Utilizes Her Portfolio And Gallery

Naturally, the most important thing you can show on your designer profile is, well, your actual designs. Below you can see how a good, image-based profile would appear in Reedsy’s search results.

The Gallery should include more demonstrations, while the Portfolio section allows potential clients to jump straight to the book’s page on retailers’ sites, where they can see how well the book has been received.

Tip: Create a balance between your “Gallery” images and your “Portfolio” by including different work in each section — there can be some overlap, but make sure they’re not identical.

2. Justin Donaldson Lists Specialized Services

You might be tempted to just select all design services available, but it’s much more compelling when you show your specialty and support it with specific examples. Justin only selected illustration and focused on showcasing his talents and skills with clear examples of fantastical drawings in his “Gallery” and “Portfolio.”

Tip: If you include “Book Interior Design”, don’t forget to add some interior formatting examples in your “Gallery.”

3. Emiliano Molina Cuts To The Chase

The “Overview” is your chance to talk directly to the client before they decide whether they’d contact you or not. Take this opportunity to describe your experiences and the unique value that you bring to each project. Here, Emiliano explains exactly what he’s achieved and what you’ll get out of working with him.

We also recommend adding keywords that describe the mediums you use and your design style (e.g. bold, comic, classic, watercolors, etc.) So when a potential client searches by keywords to find a specific style, your profile will pop up in their search results!

Tip: Make your “Overview” concise but detailed enough to demonstrate that you know what you’re doing!

Sign up as a freelancer with Reedsy here 👈