Science Cover Design Services
Hire top freelance science book cover designing professionals on Reedsy. Get the perfect cover in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
Hire top freelance science book cover designing professionals on Reedsy. Get the perfect cover in three easy steps: sign up, upload your project brief, and request quotes from professionals of your choice!
Experienced book designer/compositor specializing in photography, allied health, technology, academic, and other non-fiction.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Computers & Internet, Non-Fiction, Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits, Health & Wellbeing, Medicine, Nursing, & Dentistry, Math & Science, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Photography, DIY & Crafts, Education & Reference
I'm illustrator and Graphic Designer. I love the freedom children's book illustration brings. I love small details just kids can understand.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Book Interior Design
Genres: Picture Books, Children's, Fiction, Nature, Non-Fiction, Middle Grade, Life Sciences, Math & Science, Fantasy, Action & Adventure
Book design and production specialist with more than 30 years experience working for self-published authors through major publishers.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Business & Management, Health & Wellbeing, Medicine, Nursing, & Dentistry, Math & Science, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Sex & Relationships, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Contemporary Fiction
I am an award-winning designer with decades of experience in creating covers and packaging for books, including 21 years at Wiley.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography
Genres: Computers & Internet, Non-Fiction, Education & Reference, Math & Science, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Technology, Photography, Comics Non-Fiction
Senior designer, illustrator, and expert booksmith with over 6 years of experience creating custom books and illustrations for top brands.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Self-Help & Self-Improvement, Health & Wellbeing, Medicine, Nursing, & Dentistry, Math & Science
I focus on non-fiction and have over 500 published projects. I have received GDUSA Gold Awards for my cover designs every year since 2015.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Typography Production Management
Genres: Art, Humanities & Social Sciences, Non-Fiction, Design, Earth, Space, & Environmental Sciences, Math & Science, Business & Management, Health & Wellbeing, Philosophy, Finance & Accounting
Award-winning Illustrator-Designer, former clients: Scholastic, Chicago Review Press, Stanford University Press, Hunter House Pub. UCSF...
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Middle Grade, Children's, Fiction, Picture Books, Fantasy, Young Adult, Action & Adventure, Business & Management, Non-Fiction, Health & Wellbeing, Medicine, Nursing, & Dentistry, Math & Science
14 years designing covers with versatility + imagination. Clients: HarperCollins, S&S, Scribner, Timber Press, Verso, W. W. Norton, etc.
Work experience:
Services: Design Cover Design Illustration Typography Book Interior Design
Genres: Mystery & Crime, Fiction, Science Fiction, Literary Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Humanities & Social Sciences, Nature, Math & Science, Political Science & Current Affairs
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Art in itself may not be an exact science, but it’s true enough that an attention-grabbing cover can help you get your word out there. It’s also true enough that science in itself can be considered a work of art — since Euclid, scientists have tried to study the golden ratio, the theory of the universe, or even just how the mitochondria came to be the powerhouse of the cell. To help you illustrate this brand of beauty, hire a science book cover designer who can help convey your metrics.
Reedsy’s marketplace boasts some of the most talented and experienced designers in the industry. Sign up for an account today to browse their profiles and request quotes.
Successful authors build talented teams around them to bring their book to life. Through the Reedsy Marketplace, you can meet the industry’s top professional book editors, cover designers, book marketers and ghostwriters. Reedsy professionals know the publishing landscape better than a writer knows the taste of hot coffee, come meet them. Create your free Reedsy account and start requesting free quotes and honest advice today.
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