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Last updated May 23rd, 2024

Share your experience and get $100

If you’ve been invited to share your experience with Reedsy, here’s how to do it and earn $100!

Share your experience

  1. Write a 200+ word post about your experience on Reedsy or an interesting recent project. You can share it on LinkedIn, Behance, Dribbble, Instagram, or your website.
  2. Make sure to include your personal referral link (find it here) in your post, and encourage your network to use this link if they apply to join as a professional. You will get rewarded as usual for your referrals, so your invitee and you will each get $100 in Reedsy credit once they start their first collaboration. There's no limit to how many freelancers you can invite, so don’t hesitate to share your post on more than one platform!
  3. Once you’ve shared your post, simply let us know by filling this form, and we’ll add $100 of Reedsy credit to your account. This is a bonus that you’ll earn on top of any referral rewards. Easy as that!

What to write about

White page syndrome? Below are some prompts to get you started.

  1. Your experience freelancing with Reedsy: Why did you join the platform? How has your career evolved since you started? What are your favorite projects or clients like? How do you pitch your services to your ideal clients? How does freelancing impact your work-life balance? Any advice for other professionals looking to freelance?
  2. A successful project you’ve recently completed: What was the project about? What was the main challenge and how did you address it? What was the process of collaborating with the author like? How did you adapt to the particularities of this project? What did you like the most about the project or the final result? Any interesting anecdotes or learnings?


If you have a different approach in mind, feel free to get creative and do things your way! Posts in video format are also accepted.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Reedsy!