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Last updated Jun 27th, 2023


Want to join Reedsy as an editor? Here is some inspiration to nail your profile!

Editing is the most popular service on Reedsy: there is a great variety of projects that need refining out there. It’s important to ensure you’re sending the right messages and getting the most relevant project briefs delivered to your requests inbox. Getting your Reedsy profile right is the most important part to ensuring that you’ll find your perfect clients.

Below, we share three editor profiles that achieve this beautifully.

1. Sophie Elletson Demonstrates Her Specialty

Sophie hits the nail right on the head in her “Short Description,” where she clearly states her specialty: health and lifestyle. Sophie also includes other facts to boost her credibility — mentioning that she is a qualified nutritionist will definitely help rope in authors who need an editor in this niche.

This is how Sophie’s profile comes up in the search results:

Whether your area of expertise is romance, business, or any other genre, make sure to state it clearly in your “Short Description.” You can follow on with details like your previous employment, notable authors you’ve edited for, or any further qualifications within the field to convince authors that you’re the one for them.

Tip: include a bit of personality and fun in your profile to appear more approachable! Writers love working with friendly editors, so don’t just focus on the business side of things.

2. Roisin Heycock Nails Her Work Experience

As you put together your “Work Experience” section, think about how it tells the story of your professional journey. Your “Work Experience” needs to clearly show each step you’ve taken to get to your position now. Even just a few sentences about what you’ve accomplished in each of your roles can make it much easier for clients to grasp what skills you have in your repertoire.

Tip: Don’t include roles that are completely irrelevant to your current position, but do include (and explain) non-publishing roles if they contributed to your current editorial skill set.

3. Andy Kifer Shows, Rather Than Tells

You can never underestimate the impact of a great portfolio when marketing yourself, and your Reedsy profile is no exception. Here, Andy lists 12 books for the 9 genres he’s selected, providing two solid examples for each. Remember, living proof of your expertise is particularly crucial to support your credibility and bolster your profile.

Tip: It’s good to show a lot of examples, but try not to overwhelm your potential clients. We recommend including 2-4 books per genre.

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