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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

How do I create my Reedsy profile?

You want to join Reedsy as a freelancer? Great news! The first step towards activation on our Marketplace is to create a profile showcasing your experience.

What's a Reedsy profile?

Reedsy allows publishing professionals to create beautiful user profiles. In many ways, your profile is like a book cover: your first interaction with potential clients and something you will be judged on.

Profiles are also useful for the Reedsy team to determine whether or not you will be selected to be part of the marketplace. Building a profile is a required first step before you can offer your services on Reedsy.

Note: Please refer to our minimum requirements that professionals must meet to be considered for the Reedsy marketplace.

Creating a profile takes 10–20 minutes. Here’s a handy list of what you need to include:

  1. Profile picture: Be sure it’s a clear headshot or portrait of yourself (not a logo).
  2. Short description: Pique potential clients’ interest in 140 characters. Be specific and highlight what makes you unique. Treat it as a very short elevator pitch!
  3. Overview: Introduce yourself to your future clients in under 500 words. Why should they work with you? Feel free to mention your interests, highlight your experience, your most successful projects, throw in a client testimonial — and be creative!
  4. Services, sub-services, genres, sub-genres, and languages: Fill these out to help us match you with the right clients. Please only list the areas in which you specialize.
  5. Work experience: In a couple of lines, tell clients where you’ve worked and what your main responsibilities and achievements were.
  6. Portfolio: Present the published books you have worked on. We require 2–3 books for each genre in which you specialize. You can pull these URLs from Amazon, Apple Books, or Google Play.

For designers:

  1. Gallery: Add visual examples of your best work to stand out and grab the client’s attention.

For ghostwriters:

  1. What should you do if you cannot add books to your portfolio due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

First, add all the work you can share and complete the rest of your profile. Next, you can do one (or both) of the following:

  1. Request client permission to list the books in your portfolio;
  2. Send the books you’ve worked on to This information will remain private and only be used to assess your portfolio.

For marketers, website developers, and publicists:

  1. Projects: Tell your future Reedsy clients about your successful projects. Include information about the previous client’s brief, visual examples of your work, and stats showing the project’s outcomes.

Want some extra tips? Find out how to make your profile stand out here.

Note: Please do not refer to personally identifiable information (full name, website, social media, watermarks, or business name) in your profile or images. All client and professional interactions must remain on Reedsy and not take place through your own website, social profiles, or personal email account.

As explained in our FAQ, communication outside of the Reedsy platform can open up risks beyond our control and may leave both clients and professionals exposed if a dispute arises. Any information that might help an author decide on a potential collaboration should be included in your profile. There should be no need to direct a client off-platform, and doing so may result in the permanent closure of your Reedsy account.