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Back to Profiles

Last updated Jul 9th, 2024

What happens after I complete my Reedsy profile?

Here’s what to expect…

Once you’ve taken your profile to the 100% mark, press “Submit for review” and our team will review it.

We receive hundreds of applications every week and only approve a handful of professionals. To give yourself the best chance, make sure you add as much information as possible, proofread your profile, and polish all the details 🤓

We might also get in touch to suggest some improvements before you officially go live.

If you are selected to be part of our community, you’ll receive an email notifying you that your profile has been activated. You will also see a “Verified” icon next to your name on your public profile.

How will I know if I have been selected?

Our team receives hundreds of applications every week and only selects a handful of professionals. The objective is to provide the highest level of quality to authors and publishers. This is why people often describe Reedsy as a "curated" marketplace.

If your application is approved you will receive an email notifying you that your profile has been activated. You will also be able to see a "Verified" icon next to your name on your public profile.

Once I'm in, am I in forever?

After joining Reedsy, you will start receiving requests from authors and publishers. Our team monitors those requests to make sure we can offer a high response rate to our clients. 

If a professional consistently fails to respond to requests or delivers poor quality work,  their profile may be removed from the marketplace. Similarly, if a professional attempts to take clients off the Reedsy platform, their profiles will be immediately deactivated. 

Find out more about why you should always communicate via Reedsy here.

During your time with Reedsy, we might also suggest changes to your profile that can help you improve your conversion rates based on our experience.