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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

How do I add an intro video to my profile?

You've added your work experience and uploaded your portfolio. Now you want to help authors get to know you a bit better. A great way to do that is to add short introduction video to your profile 🎬

Lights, camera, action!

Before you press record, make sure you’ve prepared what you want to say. Here are a few pro tips:

  1. Sit at arm's length and look into the camera;
  2. Try to keep the light in front of you, not behind;
  3. Start with your first name, the services you offer, and your work experience;
  4. You can also talk about your favorite project to date; and
  5. Be concise β€” you only have 30 seconds.

**Note** Please do not refer to your personal website, social media handles and last name in your video. As explained in our FAQ here, communication outside of the Reedsy platform can expose you to risks beyond our control and may leave both clients and professionals exposed if a dispute arises. Any information that might help an author make a decision regarding a potential collaboration should be included in your profile. There should be no need to direct a client off of the platform.

Looking for examples of great introduction videos? You can check out Alyssa’s profile.

How do I import the video to my profile?

Once you've recorded the perfect take, hit the "Edit profile" button on your Reedsy dashboard and scroll to the section titled β€œIntroduce yourself withΒ  video.” Upload your 30-second video with our app.Β 

Our team will do a quick review, and once we approve your video, you'll have your personal introduction clip visible on your profile!