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Author FAQ

Sending requests

How do I know if my manuscript is ready for an edit?

Reedsy is for authors who already have a solid draft ready to be edited by professionals. Our most successful author-editor pairings often involve manuscripts that have been reviewed by a beta reader or two (or perhaps a critique partner or writing group). However, even if your draft is ready, you will still have to choose between different levels of editing. You can learn more about which ser...
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How do I send a request to professionals?

Learn how to find and work with the right professional on Reedsy. It’s simple to request quotes on Reedsy. Just follow these steps: Have a look at our list of services here to get an idea of what you might need. Head to the Marketplace and pick the service you need (editing, design, publicity, etc.). Use the Choose a service filter, the genres dropdown menu, and the search bar to narrow dow...
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How do I add other professionals to my request after sending it?

Edit your request to add more professionals to it. To add more professionals after sending a request, head to the Projects tab at the top of your account and click “Add a professional” underneath the request. This will send you back to the Marketplace, where you can search and “Select” other professionals to add to your request. Once selected, click “Continue” at the top of the page, and your...
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Why do I need to submit a sample from my manuscript to create a brief?

Why must I submit a sample from my manuscript to create a brief? The more information our professionals have about your book, the quicker they can get back to you with a detailed and tailored offer. In particular, submitting an excerpt from your manuscript or sample designs will help professionals determine the current stage of your book and suggest which service is right for you.
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When will I hear back from the professionals I contacted?

Professionals on Reedsy usually respond to clients within two business days. Depending on their workload, some will respond within a few hours, while others may need a few more days. Also, remember that the clearer your request is, the faster you can expect to hear back.
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One of the professionals I selected declined my request. What can I do about it?

First, it’s important to understand the reason why your request was declined. So make sure you read any feedback you received.  If the feedback was “My skills are not suitable to work on this project” or “I am currently unavailable to work on new projects,” you should probably add more relevant professionals to your request. If the feedback is different, you might need to adapt your brief or k...
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Will more services be available on the marketplace in the future?

Yes! Don’t hesitate to let us know which services you’d like to see on Reedsy by sending us a message via the “Help!” button at the top of the page.
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