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Back to Sending requests

Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

How do I send a request to professionals?

Learn how to find and work with the right professional on Reedsy.

It’s simple to request quotes on Reedsy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Have a look at our list of services here to get an idea of what you might need.
  2. Head to the Marketplace and pick the service you need (editing, design, publicity, etc.).
  3. Use the Choose a service filter, the genres dropdown menu, and the search bar to narrow down a list of relevant professionals.
  4. Browse through the profiles and select up to five professionals to contact. Click “Request quotes” to start creating your project brief.
  5. Add as much information as you can to your brief to ensure you get an accurate quote from the professionals. Don’t forget to attach a sample of your manuscript!

If you can’t complete your request, your browser will typically save a draft of your request for about a week. Or you can click on “Save as draft” option on the right. You might also want to consider saving a copy on your device, just in case.

Can I save a list of professionals without sending a request?

Yes, you just need to create a shortlist. To do this, click “Shortlists” under the search bar, then click "Edit lists". On the next page, give your new list a title (“My thriller editors,” for example) and click "Add".

As you browse the Marketplace, you can click the star icon next to a professional’s bio to add them to any list you’ve created. You can find all of your lists under “Shortlists.”

You can also watch this tutorial video for a more visual guide.

Can I edit my request once I’ve sent it?

Yes, you can edit your brief from your "Requests" tab. Click “View your brief” on the request you want to edit, then “Edit Request” at the top. Once all the changes are made, just hit “Save Changes and Submit” at the bottom.

How can I discuss my request with the professionals?

Once the professional has responded to your request, a red envelope will appear within that request. Click on that envelope or “View Quote,” then head to the bottom of the page to access your messages. Alternatively, you can access your conversations from the envelope icon at the top right corner of your Reedsy dashboard.

Professionals on Reedsy usually respond to clients within two business days. However, depending on their workload, some may reply within a few hours, while others may need a few days. The clearer your request is, the faster you can expect to hear back.

Do you want to know more about working with a professional editor? In this video, writer Shaelin Bishop breaks down the process of hiring and collaborating with a literary editor on Reedsy.