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Last updated Dec 20th, 2023

Web designers

Want to join Reedsy as a web designer? Here are some tips to display your experience and projects.

In today’s competitive book market, authors understand the importance of having a great website — they want one that helps them sell more books while simultaneously building their reputation as an author. Reedsy connects these authors with web designers like you, to help them turn their visions into reality.

To help you create a high-converting profile, we wanted to share the profiles of these three web professionals. Let’s see what they’re doing right.

1.      Deborah Jeeves explains her process and services

Many authors know little about the process of creating a website and aren’t sure about what exactly to ask for or what they’ll get at the end of the collaboration.

When reading Deborah’s profile, clients get a sense of her expertise and the value she offers right off the bat:

  • She builds trust and sets the right expectations by explaining her process to potential clients.
  • She also answers some common questions related to important aspects of a website, such as responsiveness, SEO and website maintenance.

  • Then she goes on to describe the specific services she provides. You can list them, or explain your pre-set packages if it’s something you offer. We recommend not mentioning rates at this stage, and instead waiting until you’ve received a request to make a personalized quote.


2.     Jon G. backs his claims

It’s easy to see Jon knows his stuff. He lets the numbers tell the story and shows that he tracks the results he achieves for his clients. He also tells authors about the tools he uses to drive home these results.

If you do not have this kind of metrics (start tracking them!), a good alternative is to add 1–3 testimonials from previous clients to your overview, as Jon does here:

3.      Meg Sheeey shares her strengths in a video introduction

Some authors are nervous about hiring someone they don’t know online, so putting a face behind the name can give you an edge against your competition.

Though a video is not mandatory, Meg’s profile definitely benefits from it: she gives only a couple key points, such as working with Squarespace and being able to deliver on a tight deadline. She uses the remainder of the time to share something about herself that makes her more approachable.

If you’d like to add a video too, you don’t need anything too elaborate — just say hi, briefly introduce your services and mention something about yourself. Thirty seconds is all it takes!


New around here? Sign up as a freelancer with Reedsy! 👈

Or if you are already on Reedsy, we hope this gave you some fresh ideas to improve your profile! You can make edits to your profile here.