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Last updated May 24th, 2023

What do I do after I receive a request?

A client wants to work with you! Now the ball's in your court. 💪

Respond to the request

You have 48 hours to respond to a request. You can send a message, issue a quote, or decline the request. This will ensure you keep your response rate at 100%. If you decline, you will be prompted to leave the client feedback abou why you’re passing on their project.

Interested? Engage with the client!

Clients have spent some time researching freelancers to contact. If you’ve received a request, it means you’re in their top 5, and they believe you’re compatible with this project. You can reciprocate and show your interest by sending a personal message to establish a rapport. Consider asking some follow-up questions to demonstrate your enthusiasm and get an idea of how much you should quote.

Want more tips on how to gain work on Reedsy? Check out this freelancer guide with insider tips to help you succeed.

Need to schedule a call?

Feel free to have an audio or video call with a client — Reedsy allows you to send links to Zoom and Google Meet via a Reedsy message. For example, to schedule Zoom calls, you only need to copy-paste the meeting information (URL, ID, password) into your message.

Don’t forget, it’s a Reedsy best practice to include a summary of your phone and video calls in a follow-up message with your client. This way, you'll have a time-stamped record of any new agreements or information discussed during the call.

Please remember that sharing email addresses for calls and other purposes is not allowed❗

Send files to your client

Want to share files with your client? You can upload documents as large as 250 MB to the "Files" section or as attachments in your messages. If your files are larger than this, you can use the integrated DropBox or Box App options. Alternatively, consider using a shareable link from WeTransfer or Tresorit to transfer them.

Can I decline a request?

So you’ve received a request, but the job isn’t for you. It’s all good. Feel free to decline it. The whole point of freelancing is to be able to choose projects that suit you.

If you decide to decline a request, you will be asked to leave feedback for the client. Select a general reason from the drop-down menu and leave a personal note below. Submit this, and the request will be closed. For example: