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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

How do I add books to my portfolio?

Looking to showcase your work? Here’s how you can add your books to your profile 📚

The portfolio is the secret weapon for any freelancer — nothing proves your competence better than the actual work you’ve done! All you need is the URL of the books’ pages from Amazon, Google Play, Apple Books, or Reedsy Discovery.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to Apple Books, Amazon US, or Google Play and search for the book;
  2. Click on the relevant entry in the search results to go to the product page;
  3. Copy the URL from your web browser (it should look like this: or or;
  4. Go to the Edit profile tab of your Reedsy dashboard and scroll to the portfolio section; and
  5. Paste the link into the Portfolio field where it says “URL…” and click on the “Add” button.

Pro tip: Apple Books has the largest collection of titles and should be your primary source when adding to your portfolio.

I’m not a macOS user and don’t have access to Apple Books

For Windows & Linux users, the easiest way to find Apple Books is to search for [Book Title + Apple Books] on Google. The link will come up in the search results.


  1. The Prince + Apple Books
  2. The Art of War + Apple Books

Alternatively, you can use the following Link Maker to create links for Apple Books (click on “Media Type” and select “Books”).

I received this error message: “Sorry, we are unable to process this book.”

This can happen due to errors with the Amazon API. In this case, please add the link from a different Amazon store. For instance, if the link didn’t work, try the variant.



If you’re still unable to add your Amazon link, please try to use a different version of your book. A book on Amazon can have multiple product versions: Kindle, audiobook, hardcover, and paperback. Clicking on a different version will give you a separate Amazon URL. You can also shorten the URL.



What if my books aren’t available on Amazon, Google Play, Apple Books, or Reedsy Discovery?

In that case, you can upload your work to the Gallery! The freelancer profile’s image gallery was created for designers to showcase their work but editors, marketers, and other professionals can also use it to fill out their portfolio.

How to upload images to the gallery

Click on the Edit profile button and scroll to the bottom. Below your “Portfolio” is the “Gallery” section.

We accept all major image file types as long as they aren’t larger than 5 megabytes.

That means you should be able to upload images in the following formats:

  1. JPG, JPEG;
  2. PNG; and
  3. GIF (non-animated).

To upload an image, drag and drop the file onto the area shown in the screenshot above, or click on “select from your device” and choose a file to upload. All images will be converted automatically to JPG once successfully uploaded.

Tips for using the image gallery

The image gallery is not only useful for designers but for other professionals as well. Here are some tips for each individual profession:

  1. Editors: Some books might not be available on Amazon or Google Play. In this case, add the book cover to your gallery. You can also include magazine articles and academic articles in this section.
  2. Web Designers: Since we don’t allow external website links, our web designers usually add screenshots of past projects to their galleries.
  3. Marketers: These professionals can add proof of their performance to their gallery, usually screenshots from Amazon’s statistics pages.