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Back to Cancelations and refunds

Last updated Dec 20th, 2023

How do I refund my clients?

Do you need to fully or partially refund the fees to your client? Find out how.

If you have to refund a client’s payment partially or in full, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Go to your Account Settings and click “Billing & Payments” in the upper left corner;
  2. Open your Stripe account (which should already be connected) and find the client’s payment (all payments are sorted by date); and
  3. Click “Refund” once you’ve found it and select whether it’ll be a full or partial refund. Enter the desired amount and the reason for the refund. If all is good, click “Submit.”

Please note that the total payment you see in your Stripe records includes the client's 10% Reedsy fee, so be sure to calculate accordingly. To double-check, refer to your original offer and view your quote and payments from your Projects tab. The client will receive the refunded amount in their bank account within 5–10 business days.

Note:  Reedsy fees are non-refundable as per our Terms. For our records, please let us know when you’ve refunded your client.