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Last updated Dec 20th, 2023

How do I leave a review for my professional?

Don’t forget to share your feedback when the collaboration has ended. ⭐

Our Marketplace thrives on feedback! After your payments have been processed and your collaboration’s completion date has arrived, you’ll receive an email asking you to review your experience with your professional. Just head to your collaboration dashboard to get started!

Click on the Collaborations tab in "Projects", tap “Manage” next to the collaboration you want to review, and choose “Review”.

Please choose a star rating for each category and then add your written feedback. Your review will be publicly visible on your professional's profile. You will also be asked to leave feedback about how likely you are to recommend Reedsy to others.

Don't forget to save your review by clicking on the “Submit Feedback” button at the bottom!

Note: You can leave a review within a four-month window following the completion date.