Tiziana LaCecilia

Tiziana LaCecilia – Translator

English-to-Italian literary translator + English teacher, based in Rome. Avid reader with a special taste for children's/mystery/YA fiction


I'm an English teacher with over 15 years' experience as a literary translator. My specialist fields are education, YA fiction and children’s books but crime fiction is another favorite genre.

I've also done a lot of translation for TV over the last 10 years, mostly scripts for sitcoms, children's TV shows and cartoons, as well as dialogue for dubbing and subtitling. Translating dialogue is one of the things I enjoy the most, whether it's spoken or written. I have a good ear for it and I love the challenge of finding the right voice for a character and the right tone in Italian to achieve the same effect as the original. It's very gratifying work.

A book I really enjoyed translating was Susan Barker’s Sayonara Bar, because of its Rashomon-like structure: the three protagonists narrate the story in turns, alternating their POVs and their thoughts chapter by chapter. And I'm particularly proud to have collaborated on the Italian translation of Ray Charles’ autobiography (Brother Ray – Ray Charles’ Own Story, by Ray Charles with David Ritz).

I also have expertise in reviewing translations. Staying true to the original text – to its content and meaningwhile producing a natural and creative text in another language is quite a challenge, even when you aren’t translating but reviewing, and especially when you're working on novels that have been translated into more than 40 languages (see James Rollins’ Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx, Italian title: Il risveglio della sfinge, Nord Ed.).

US culture fascinates me and I'm keen to translate books by American authors looking to make their work known to the Italian public.

Currently translating a police procedural by an English writer.

Contemporary Fiction Plays & Screenplays
English to Italian
  • Participated in Meetings, Seminars and Workshops on Literary Translation at Giornate della Traduzione Letteraria, Urbino and Rome, Italy
  • University Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures - English and German, Università degli Studi "Gabriele D'Annunzio", Italy
  • Reviewing Italian texts in translation - Workshop (Certificate: STL Formazione, Pisa, Italy)
  • Tradurre per l’editoria – lingua inglese - (Certificate: La Matita Rossa, Bergamo, Italy)
  • Postgraduate certification in Teaching of English as a second language

Work experience

Various Italian Publishers

Dec, 2005 — Present

Translator, reviewer and scout (novels) for Italian Publishers (Minimum Fax, Barbera Editore, Garzanti, Nord Editore)

Various translation companies (Studio Calabria Srl, Studio Emme Srl, Pasubio2)

Sep, 2007 — Jul, 2012 (almost 5 years)

En-It Translation of TV shows, films and cartoons (Disney Junior TV and other telematic or satellite TV channels), such as Re-Vamped, The Sleepover Club, LazyTown, A GurlsWurld, KimPossible, Little Einstein, American Dragon.


Come fa un ragazzino nero cresciuto a piedi scalzi in un paesello della Florida negli anni Trenta a trasformarsi in un fenomeno musicale planetario? Come fa un cieco a farsi strada fino all’Olimpo delle star lasciandosi guidare, invece che da un cane e da un b... read more
Sayonara bar

Susan Barker

Da poco laureta, Mary, una bionda ragazza inglese in cerca di esperienze, accetta di lavorare al Sayonara bar di Osaka, in Giappone. Insieme ad altre moderne geisha è stata assunta dalla misteriosa Mama-san per trascorrere le serate flirtando con i ricchi clie... read more
Kim Possible

Sadie Stanley

A Gurls Wurld

Marny Kennedy

Valle dei Re, Egitto. Una violentissima tempesta infuria tra le rovine, eppure Nassor Khouri, curatore del museo del Cairo, non ha scelta: deve introdursi nello scavo finanziato dalla Bledsworth Sundries & Industries - una multinazionale famosa per i suoi gene... read more

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