I have a sound experience in the translation of art exhibition catalogues and texts related to various art forms (architecture, cinema, photography, painting, drama).
In 1999 I founded (and still run) the major Italian network for literary translators, Biblit.
Fo many years I've been in charge of the Translators' section of the Italian Writers' Union (Sindacato Nazionale Scrittori) and Board member of the Italian Literary Translators’ Union STRADE.
I've also been a member of the Advisory Committee of Casa delle Traduzioni (Italian Centre for Literary Translation).
I am very keen on Scotland and Scottish culture and would be particularly interested in translating books by Scottish authors.
- Premio Amelia Rosselli 2007 (shortlisted)
- Premio Andersen 2016 (shortlisted)
- Concorso Xanadu 2016-2017 (2nd place, middle-grade fiction)
- Premio Strega Ragazze e Ragazzi 2019 (shortlisted)
- Premio Andersen 2020 (shortlisted)
- Premio Giana Anguissola 2023 (1st place, short story)
- University Degree in Modern Languages
- Post-grad specialization course on literary translation
Work experience
Since 1996, I've been translating adult and children fiction and non-fiction for prominent Italian publishers.
Among the others, I worked for Salerno, Sellerio, Piemme-Il battello a vapore, Mondadori, Nutrimenti, Marsilio, Codice.
I work as book assessor of English children/YA fiction mainly for Italian publisher Piemme-Il battello a vapore.