Susan Weinstein

Susan Weinstein – Publicist

As a consultant, I have publicized university press books for OUP, Columbia, Cambridge, Univ. Va. I help academic books cross to mainstream.



RESEARCH-WRITING, I am a public relations professional w/a specialty in in-house writer for a major publisher, I gained experience publicizing books for traditional publishers. My press kits have successfully branded authors and small presses. I have worked with university press trade & academic books. Subjects ranged from science and social issues to politics, photography and art. I research media for specific books,

FOLLOW-UP. Small-press publishers often need follow up on advance mailings of ARCs. RESEARCH by category;as science, history, psychology. SOLICITATION I have worked with authors using content from their books on some social media, occasional radio, podcast.

SELF PUBLISHED. I can write press kits (release, Q&A, bio, pitch, bio, IT IS ESSENTIAL authors get quotes or endorsements. These are used on back of books and to INTEREST REVIEWERS. They can be authors, professionals, friends. Blogs can expect a book 3 months BEFORE pub date. In categories such as fiction there may be more outlets but there is also a preference for mainstream publishers' releases. To compete you cannot send most after it's out. You can send a written press kit w/ pub date.


Before self-publishing, place excerpts or stories in lit magazines, enter contests. These raise your profile as a writer and build credibility with local stores and it realistic for nontraditional books to expect reviews or sales from these activities? Interest is more likely if you start local. Read at libraries, cafes, and local stores that have interest in Indie authors.

You will have Amazon ads and algorithms, the Good Reads giveaway program. But you will be competing with traditional publishers, established university and small presses. Think creatively about how to reach your audience. As a publicist, I charge for time. Reedsy takes a share of my fee & charges authors. I can provide presentation-writing, lists to receive press materials/books. But I have no magic "contacts" that review and interview my authors, In fact editors and producers change and are inundated with solicitations. I research blogs and contact with a press release. I do some social media, using content from the book, after it's available.


Hire an experienced manuscript editor and a copy editor. A manuscript editor looks at the construction of the entire book. (Does it lag in the middle) Copy editor looks at grammar, typos, paragraphs--How does it read. I have seen books that "read" perfectly and needed major cuts to be readable.


If you are employing a "ghost" writer, consider having both names on your cover. Many celebs use "as told to….” or acknowledge on an interior page. Truth comes out.


Authors rush to self-publish without being aware they might traditionally publish. Such books are rarely reviewed by mainstream reviewers. Traditional publishing delivers editorial, marketing, publicity, chance at awards, library, university sales. DISTRIBUTION beyond Amazon. Consider, you cannot republish a published book, It can take years for skill to catch up with concept.

Classics Comics & Graphic Novels Contemporary Fiction Historical Fiction Literary Fiction
Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits Education & Reference Technology

Work experience

susan Weinstein PR

Mar, 2024 — Present

I have been a publicity director for two ground breaking publishers one in books of political activism (Lawrence Hill), the other classic science fiction (Blue Jay books), as a specialist, I publicized the 1916 Irish Rebellion (Notre Dame), Noam Chomsky's World Orders Old and New (Columbia), Europe: A history (Oxford), The Light in Cuban Eyes (Wake Forest), Sally Hemmings & Thomas Jefferson (U.Va.). Brief stints interim director at Harper's Chidren and Disney.


Feb, 2016 — Present

I have written special press kits for major publisher promotions, publicized histories, such as Oxford's Davies book, Europe: a history. I have worked on Noam Chomsky's book on Media for Columbia U, David Crsytal's Encyclopedia of the English Language, as well as print and electronic campaigns for a variety of books, such as Notre Dame's The Irish Revolution of 1916 Irish Revolution, companion volume to TV. I have worked w/every genre of nonfiction and occasional fiction.


Sep, 2024 — Present

I write press materials, Q/A interviews, short features. I research custom lists for books, blogs and book reviews. I can advise on publicity for indiviual books, budget, and what is likely to work.


Sep, 2024 — Present

I am currently reviewing a couple books intended for the scholarly market and cross-over to trade. While the publisher will solicit class inclusion with direct marketing list. I am assembling contacts in the areas of these books for trade magazines and mainstream editors, as well as excerpts.


Mar, 2024 — Present

I have been a publicity director for two ground breaking publishers one in books of political activism (Lawrence Hill), the other classic science fiction (Blue Jay books), as a specialist, I publicized the 1916 Irish Rebellion (Notre Dame), Noam Chomsky's World Orders Old and New (Columbia), Europe: A history (Oxford), The Light in Cuban Eyes (Wake Forest), Sally Hemmings & Thomas Jefferson (U.Va.). Brief stints interim director at Harper's Chidren and Disney.


Dec, 2017 — Present

I have been a publicity director for two ground breaking publishers one in books of political activism (Lawrence Hill), the other classic science fiction (Blue Jay books), as a specialist, I publicized the 1916 Irish Rebellion (Notre Dame), Noam Chomsky's World Orders Old and New (Columbia), Europe: A history (Oxford), The Light in Cuban Eyes (Wake Forest), Sally Hemmings & Thomas Jefferson (U.Va.). Brief stints interim director at Harper's Chidren and Disney.


Nov, 2000 — Present

I am a public relations professional with a specialty in books. I have more than a decade of experience publicizing books. Offer consulting on how to publish, feasability of traditional media in strategic campaigns. I charge time for consultation. Proposals are based on time to execute the campaign. I write media kits--releases, pitch, Q and A material, bios, as well as OpEds, short features and website material. I have worked with major presses, small and large university presses. I work with Trade non fiction and academic books that often cross ove to a trade audience. Subjects range from science and social issues to politics, as well as photography and art books. My syndicated book review blog

Public Relations

Jul, 1988 — Present

I began at Scribner's, then was release writer for Warner Publisher Services of Warner Books. I became a publicist, booking tours, national media, and eventually established my own business. More detail about projects and publishers are available. Samples of writing and lists of campaigns are available on request. I also have worked as an illustrator, samples below.


Ben Hecht had seen his share of death-row psychopaths, crooked ward bosses, and Capone gun thugs by the time he had come of age as a crime reporter in gangland Chicago. His grim experience with what he called “the soul of man” gave him a kind of uncanny foresi... read more
Chomsky takes on the international scene since 1945, devoting particular attention to events following the collapse of the Soviet Union. He develops a forceful critique of Western government, from imperialist foreign policies to the Clinton administration's em... read more
The second half of Tony Kushner's Pulitzer Prize-winning epic Angels in America, Perestroika steers the characters introduced in Millennium Approaches from the opportunistic eighties to a new sense of community in the nineties. "Not only a stunning resolution ... read more
Written by a groundbreaking figure of modern medical study, Tracking Medicine is an eye-opening introduction to the science of health care delivery, as well as a powerful argument for its relevance in shaping the future of our country. An indispensable resourc... read more
The 2011 revolution in Egypt was revolutionary far beyond regime change in Cairo. It may be considered our first view of what a civil, egalitarian society in the Middle East might look like in the age of Twitter, YouTube and instant global media. Using interna... read more
Americans have been divided along political lines for so long that they have nearly forgotten how to talk to one another, much less how to listen. This is not likely to improve as long as differences between them continue to be cast in overly simplistic terms,... read more
When Annette Gordon-Reed's groundbreaking study was first published, rumors of Thomas Jefferson's sexual involvement with his slave Sally Hemings had circulated for two centuries. Among all aspects of Jefferson's renowned life, it was perhaps the most hotly co... read more
In 2002, art collector and philanthropist Madeleine P. Plonsker began traveling to Cuba to uncover Havana’s thriving art scene. The Light in Cuban Eyes: Lake Forest College’s Madeleine P. Plon­sker Collection of Contemporary Cuban Photography focuses on Cuban ... read more

Susan has 3 reviews





Greg M.

Greg M.

Oct, 2022

I had a great experience with Susan. She was very knowledgeable, took the time to understand my book and my market. she developed and implemented a great publicity campaign. Strongly recommend her.
Julien G.

Julien G.

Dec, 2018

Sue is highly motivated and competent publicist, with deep experience and knowledge of media and book publishing. She is doing an excellent job for me.
Jef G.

Jef G.

Jan, 2018

Susan is very skilled in social media, the quality of the articles she wrote for us is very high and we are using them as we go along. We did not get the attention we hoped for in the US and compared to what we got in Europe, but it has probably to do with the size of the market, the current political situation US is undergoing, and the fact that I'm not American or famous, which seems to have...
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Susan W.
A fair review. Thank you, Jef.

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