Rosaria Manuela Distefano

Rosaria Manuela Distefano – Translator

Your translator for children's non-fiction (National Geographic - InDesign), historical fiction (Storrs), cozy mysteries (Weaver) and more!


Hi there!

Have you ever had one of your books translated? No? No problem, I'm here to help you through the whole process!

I've been reading and writing both in Italian and in English since I was a child, fascinated by how one thought could be conveyed in so many different ways!

I’ve also tried to be a writer – a self-published one to be more precise - and, though I’ve ended up putting that dream aside, that led me to go on specialised forums and meet authors from all around the world (I was a mentee of Kate Pearce, brilliant romance writer). So, I know a little about your struggles and I can help you reach your goals!

So, how will I make your story and your words resonate with an Italian reader the same way (or as close as possible) as it does with your own English-speaking readers?

1. Reading your book as if I were a “normal” reader, to see what one would feel like while reading (happy? thrilled? learning new things?)

2. Underlining all elements whose translation is not immediate; ie. I may find sentences like: “She made her bed and now she has to lie in it”, so I have to find the right Italian equivalent for this - which involves bikes, by the way!

3. Making a first draft and any researches necessary – I’m good at researching, thanks to the many children’s non-fiction books I’ve translated for National Geographic!

4. Reading and correcting my draft as many times as it needs, always checking the original for things I may have misunderstood or forgotten (it happens!)

5. Using my experience with publishers here in Italy to make sure your book looks like the others in spelling and formatting, according to the genre: a cozy mystery may look a bit different from a young thriller novel – they have so many chat messages the young ‘uns! – or a historic novel with its glossary and reading list… have a look at the books I translated for Ashley Weaver (cozy mystery), Jessica Goodman (young adult thriller), and Elisabeth Storrs (historic women’s fiction), all coming out in the next months!

6. Handing the translation to one of my trusted colleagues for revision (included in my fee): we will discuss my choices, make any other correction needed and then make the text ready for you to format and publish.

7. Working directly with your InDesign file if your book has pictures and you want them in the same place even for foreign readers (again, my experience with Lonely Planet tourist guides and National Geographic photo-books is essential here!)

I will do all of this following the ethic rules of the translator and respecting you and your job ever step of the way!

I've worked in publishing since 2020 and since 2022 I’m a proud member of STRADE, the Italian trade-union association of literary translators
Children’s Non-Fiction Nature
Cozy Mysteries Historical Fiction Historical Romance Picture Books Young Adult
English to Italian
  • Master's Degree in European Languages and Cultures (English, French)
  • Bachelor's Degree in International Communication Sciences (English and French)

Work experience


Jan, 2020 — Present

Translation of photo books (tourism) and travel guides for Lonely Planet Italia;
Translation of photo books and picture books (children's non-fiction, art, nature, animals) for White Star /National Geographic;
Translation of young adult thrillers and historical romance for Collana Leggere (by Fanucci Editore);
Translation of historical cozy mysteries for Polillo Editore
Translation of historical women's fiction for AltreVoci Editore;
Translation of children's fiction for Gallucci Editore;
Translation of gothic romance for author Erica Monroe
Translation of classics for Edizioni Theoria, Rusconi Editore, ABEditore


Jan, 2001 — Present

Translation of different kinds of material, including tourist maps, advertisement leaflets, biological product certification materials



Ashley Weaver

Polillo Editore

Book Translation
1817: Cornovaglia e Londra. Erede di una famiglia aristocratica su cui aleggia una pessima reputazione e segnata dalla guerra, il conte di Lamorna (noto agli amici come Crow) è tanto pericolos... read more
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
A Dangerous Engagement

Ashley Weaver

Dreamscape Media, LLC

Book Translation
An Act of Villainy: An Amory Ames Mystery

Weaver, Ashley

Minotaur Books

Book Translation
Death Wears a Mask: An Amory Ames Mystery

Weaver, Ashley

Minotaur Books

Book Translation
Stella Steckler è una ragazza determinata che preferisce starsene per conto suo. La corsa campestre è la sua vita e niente le impedirà di essere la migliore. Anche sua sorella Ellie è un’atlet... read more
Book Translation
A Gold Coast, Long Island, tutto sembra perfetto, dai costosi negozi del centro alle spiagge ben curate, alle uniformi stirate di Jill Newman e delle sue amiche. Ma come Jill ha scoperto tre a... read more
Book Translation
Lo scandalo si rivela fatale in questo romanzo Regency gotico... Lady Jemma Forster sa fin troppo bene quanto crudeli possano essere le malelingue. Ha sacrificato la felicità per riparare la r... read more
Book Translation
La morte segna l’inizio di tutto in questo misterioso e terrificante romanzo d’amore gotico... Dopo la morte della sua amata madrina, Felicity Fields si sente perduta, il futuro ormai incerto.... read more
Book Translation
Il vero amore deve spezzare la maledizione della follia in questo avvincente romanzo Regency gotico... Dopo che la madre viene rinchiusa in manicomio, l’Alta Società è pronta a dileggiare Lady... read more
Book Translation
Book Translation

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