I am available for long or short translations. Tell me about your Italian language project. Is it a short story, part of a novel, or a complete manuscript? How long have you been working on it? What would you like to achieve? How can I help you?
I'll read over your work and let you know if I'm honestly the right person for it. Then I'll make an offer and we can discuss the nuts and bolts of how I work. Keep in mind that when I finish editing or translating your work it will be ready for publication or submission to publishers, liteary magazines, or literary competitions. We can talk by phone, WhatsApp, or skype.
I've worked with major publishing houses in both the US and UK (Penguin, Random House, Knopf, City Lights, Harvill, Macmillan, Europa) and my work has been reviewed in all major newspapers and magazines, such as the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and others. Sometimes I collaborate with agents and publishers and I even scout out contemporary Italian writers that I think would appeal to the English language reading public. I am happy to offer you advice on how to find a publisher, too.
In terms of genres, I've translated detective novels, historical novels, culinary history, children's writing, political writing, travel literature, short stories, self-help books, and personal essays.
- Dublin Prize nominee
- Silver Dagger Crime Award
- The Florentine short story award
- PEN member
- ALTA member
Work experience
I am a full-time freelance translator of Italian literature. My most recent translation is Starnone’s Via Gemito.