Marko Smolčić-Uzunović

Marko Smolčić-Uzunović – Ghostwriter

Marketing and promotion are essential aspects of the book-writing journey.| I do marketing for books


Authors must engage with their readers, building a community around their work and utilizing social media platforms to reach a wider audience. It's about connecting with readers and sharing the passion behind the story.

Economics Technology Travel
Middle Grade Middle Grade Fantasy Thriller & Suspense Women's Fiction Young Adult
English (UK)
  • fasdf

Work experience


May, 2023 — Present

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Scott C.

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Hillsborough, NC, USA

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Garth C.

London-based Kiwi writer with huge experience across arts, travel, society, architecture, food, children et al. Never missed a deadline!

London, UK

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David Congreave

David C.

I specialise in long-form content such as books, ebooks, and training products. I particularly enjoy memoirs and business titles.

Leeds, UK

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