Isabel de Miquel

Isabel de Miquel – Translator

I am a journalist at heart and I love real stories! I am also fond of young reader's and children's books.


Although I started my professional life as a journalist, I have translated a wide variety of books from English and French into Spanish. A bunch of almost 30 titles where you can find all kind of works: novel, romance, thriller, biography and non-fiction, as well asyoung readers and children’s books, clearly my favorites!

Thanks to my parents, who gave me a passion for books and languages, when I lost my job as an editor I could start translating. And I loved it so much! For some years I became a full-time translator and was happy. You never know what awaits you in life, and sometimes you find treasures on the road.

Apart from literature, languages, and translation, I am interested in the history of food, mythology, legends and fairy tales, self-awareness and non-duality. I am fascinated by some great spiritual teachers as Caroline Myss, Eckhart Tolle, Alan Watts and some others.

Also, I have been teaching myself to subtitle videos. For the past years I have been trying to awake some interest in Spanish Publishing Houses about this new way of communication between readers and authors, which I find really rich and plenty of possibilities.

If you are an author of books for children I would love to translate them into Spanish. If you are a Publisher of books for Young Adults, do not hesitate to contact me!

This is a great place of encounter for authors, publishers and translators. We only have to start talking.

Biographies & Memoirs Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits
Contemporary Fiction Historical Mysteries Literary Fiction Middle Grade Fantasy Paranormal Romance Romantic Comedy
English to Spanish
  • Journalist

Work experience

Self employed

May, 2012 — Present

I work as a translator from English and French into Spanish. I have translated all kind of books: thrillers, children fiction, romantic novels, non-fiction... The problem is that sometimes you have too much to do and other times no book to translate at all :)

Círculo de Lectores

Apr, 2008 — Jan, 2012 (almost 4 years)

I left the company, as I had the feeling I was not getting enywhere. After about two fairly difficult years, I was promoted to catalogue editor in the same company. These were years of hard work and a lot of responsibility. I was responsible for the catalogue reviews and worked closely with designers, marketing, book editors, copywriters... Quite stressful but happy years. I loved my work. Unfortunately, the habits of the people changed so much than Circulo the Lectores was no longer profitable. The company had to be sold and now is no longer. From then on, I work as a translator,


Mar, 2000 — Feb, 2008 (almost 8 years)

I worked as a copywriter for a book's catalogue, quite important in Spain at that time. I read and wrote about the books we sold. So I am used to reading and getting quickly the essence of the story.

Canarias7- Prensa Canaria

Feb, 1981 — Jun, 1986 (over 5 years)


Los viejos ideales parecen en nuestra época más agotados que nunca. Por ello el autor se propone en esta sugerente obra encontrar otros, ocultos, inexpresados u olvidados, a partir de cuestion... read more
Book Translation
Jefferson Winter no es un investigador corriente. Tiene una inteligencia muy superior a la media y es hijo de uno de los más famosos asesinos en serie de Estados Unidos. Jefferson Winter se ha... read more
Book Translation
Book Translation
La hiedra del deseo (Spanish Edition)

Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee

Book Translation
Cultivado y consumido por los indígenas de las Américas, el tabaco se utilizó con fines religiosos, medicinales y sociales antes de la llegada de Colón. Sin embargo, cuando los europeos inicia... read more
Book Translation
Book Translation
All our books are brand new. We ship worldwide
Book Translation


Quatre hommes et quatre femmes, quatre histoires d'amour à quatre âges de la vie, c'est le thème de Diaporama, une partition jouée par les membres d'une même famille où les voix se croisent, s... read more
Book Translation
"Estamos viviendo una crisis del sueño", afirma la autora, "con consecuencias nefastas en nuestras relaciones, nuestro trabajo y nuestra felicidad". Es la revolución pendiente. Sólo renovando ... read more
Book Translation
La respiración es esencial para la vida, pero ¿sabes que tu forma de respirar puede afectar negativamente a tu salud y a tu bienestar? Mala postura, estrés, tensiones musculares… factores que ... read more
Book Translation
Cultivado y consumido por los indígenas de las Américas, el tabaco se utilizó con fines religiosos, medicinales y sociales antes de la llegada de Colón. Sin embargo, cuando los europeos inicia... read more
Book Translation
In the mountains of Switzerland the wicked Count Karlstein plots to abandon his two orphaned nieces in a hunting lodge as prey for the Demon Huntsman and his ghostly hounds.
Book Translation
Grace Reinhart Sachs lleva la vida que siempre había soñado: está casada con el hombre al que ama, un reputado oncólogo infantil con quien tiene un hijo de doce años, y disfruta ayudando a los... read more
Book Translation
Poco antes de morir, la madre de Mischa dona al Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York La Virgen gitana, un cuadro original del afamado pintor renacentista Tiziano, que ella habia ocultado todos es... read more
Book Translation
Para todos los que la conocen, Angelica Lariviere vive en un mundo perfecto. Tiene un matrimonio ideal, dos hijos pequeños, y un encantador círculo de amistades. Pero Angelica es, también, una... read more
Book Translation
Es el inicio de la serie “Los crímenes de Kronberg”, que suma ya tres títulos. • Recupera literariamente al personaje de Sherlock Holmes, tan de moda en televisión. • Su heroína, Anna Kronberg... read more
Book Translation
“Showcases war’s bitter ironies . . . as well as its romantic serendipities.”—VogueIn this evocative and thrilling epic novel, fifteen-year-old Yoshi Kobayashi, child of Japan’s New Empire, da... read more
Book Translation
Cawdor es una pequeña y apartada comunidad rural, donde no tienen simpatía por los forasteros. Sobre todo si llegan como Jaye, una joven y atractiva publicista de Boston, haciendo preguntas in... read more
Book Translation
Aunque mucha gente lo desconoce, Sigmund Freud fue hipnotista durante años. Este método le parecía adecuado para acceder a los procesos del inconsciente. Un siglo después, los apasionantes tex... read more
Book Translation
Todo era posible. Al menos eso pensábamos.Cuando Jade decidió pasar el verano en California con su tía, creía saber dónde se estaba metiendo. Pero nada podría haberla preparado para Quentin. N... read more
Book Translation
"El pasado y el presente se encuentran en esta atractiva novela de intriga, oportuna y, con tanta frecuencia, inquietante." Antonia Fraser La amante secreta de Adolf Hitler, miembro de la aris... read more
Book Translation
Book Translation
Madrid. 23 cm. 302 p. Encuadernaci??n en tapa blanda de editorial. Traducci??n del ingl??s de Isabel de Miquel. ??Quieres saber por qu???. Subt??tulo de la cubierta. T??tulo original: No-one e... read more
Book Translation
Hasta las cenizas

Caitlin Doughty

La mayoría de la gente prefi ere no pensar en la muerte. Pero cuando Caitlin Doughty comenzó a trabajar en una funeraria, siendo por entonces una veinteañera licenciada en Historia medieval con cierta afi ción por lo macabro, convirtió lo que era una curiosida... read more
Barcelona. 19 cm. 350 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección 'Novela', numero coleccion(2092). Traducción, Isabel de Miquel. Traducción de: Plum wine. "Planeta". Novela (Booket (Editorial)). 2092 .. Este libro es de segunda mano y t... read more

Isabel has 7 reviews





Selby G.

Selby G.

Sep, 2021

Isabel was great.
Martin B.

Martin B.

Jun, 2024

Professional, efficient, and met the deadline.
Sam M.

Sam M.

Feb, 2024

Isabel was fantastic to work with! Great communication and collaboration the whole way through. I’m looking forward to working with her again!
Isabel D.
My pleasure!
Nicole S.

Nicole S.

Oct, 2022

Isabel is easy to work with. She communicates very clearly and is quick to respond. Her translation of words is done well. The punctuation for the work I received was less reliable.


Mar, 2022

Quick, easy, professional!!
Isabel D.
It has been a pleasure to work with you!

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