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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

Reedsy Discovery — get reviews for your books

Is your book in the final stages of production? Perhaps the editing is mostly finished, and your cover design looks rock-solid? In that case, you’re probably thinking of ways to market it. Read on to find out how Reedsy Discovery can help boost your marketing efforts.

Submit your book to our reviewers

For a fee of $50, you can submit your book to Reedsy Discovery’s pool of verified reviewers. When filling out the submission form, you’ll be asked to enter information about the book, the day it launches on Amazon or other stores, as well as the day you’d like it to go live on Discovery. Please note that your Discovery launch date must be five weeks into the future, so reviewers have enough time to pick up your book and post a longer editorial review.

Watch our video tutorial for a step-by-step guide on submitting your book to Discovery.

Tip: Most authors will coincide their Discovery launch with their book’s retailer launch. This timing gives your book the most exposure upon its release. If you choose to do this, please note that your retailer launch and Discovery launch dates must be at least 5 weeks from the day you submit it. For more tips on launching your book on Discovery, check out this article from our blog!

Submission guidelines

Reedsy Discovery accepts titles of all popular genres targeted at any age group. However, your book should fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Your book should be in its launch period, meaning it’s due to be released or was published recently (no longer than six months ago).
  2. It hasn’t already been reviewed on Discovery.
  3. It should be written in English.

To view the entire submission guidelines, please head to this page.