I have 20 years of editing experience - substantive, developmental, and copy-editing for peer-reviewed scholarly publications, non-fiction books, biographies and memoirs, essays, and articles as well as more journalistic writing like personal essays and articles for magazines/journals.
I specialize in editing translated scholarly and non-fiction books, articles, and essays from French, Italian, Russian, and Arabic into English.
From 2003 to 2005 I worked as contributing editor for ascent - a yoga and spirituality magazine based in Montreal, Canada. During this time we won two Utne Independent Press Awards.
My editing process delves deep into the narrative process to help authors to frame and weave together a coherent narrative argument. I am also a wordsmith and work with my clients to craft clear, concise, and compelling writing. We often work through 2-3 rounds of editing on a book project, beginning with the overarching "story" and structure and then breaking it down into how the narrative is developed and then crafting the language and presentation.
- Amazon.ca/BooksinCanada best first novel runner up
- Utne Independent Press Award (2004)
- UNESCO-Aschberg Writer's Residency 2007
- Shastri Historical Research Grant 2008
- Canada Council for the Arts Writer's Grant
Work experience
*Editing and copy-editing of various academic papers in preparation for publication - written by scholars whose primary working language is not English.
* Editing and proofreading of non-fiction essays, scholarly papers, and longer (1500-2000 words) blog articles on architecture, history, the social sciences and humanities, yoga, spirituality, and wellness.
* Review and copy-editing of translations of non-fiction works from French, Italian, and Arabic into English
*Writing and editing of short and catchy social-media information blurbs and posts
Conceptualized, Wrote, Edited and Published a book on the newly open Aga Khan Centre designed by renowned architect Fumihiko Maki.
Wrote and copy-edited narration, text, and 'story' for film and exhibition on Islamic Gardens
Substantive and developmental editing as well as ghostwriting for various personal memoirs and biographies seeing projects through from conceptualisation, writing and development to through to publication.
Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
Academic and Commissioning editor of scholarly books on Muslim societies and cultures. Developmental editing, copy-editing, translations substantive editing and review.
ascent magazine
Generated and edited content for award-winning yoga and spirituality journal.
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