Everyone has a story to tell, and I've spent my life telling them. From when I was a kid telling my mother about my day, to when I was a photojournalist for newspapers and magazines, to today, when I write my own novels, mentor other writers on their stories, and ghostwriting the stories and self-help books that my clients have always dreamed of creating.
I'm the author of the middle-grade novels THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST; ARROW (Simon & Schuster) and AMERICAN HORSE TALES: HOLLYWOOD (Penguin), plus the GEMSTONE DRAGONS chapter books (Bloomsbury). I've also published stories for adult readers as Samantha de Freitas, ghostwritten, and critiqued novels that have gone on to sign agents, get published and win awards.
Due to the agreements with my clients, I can't list my ghostwritten projects, but my work has included:
* Romance Thriller - My client had a draft written of the novel she wanted to tell and hired me to get it to a professional level. I created a new outline, recommending changes to the plot and characters to make the story a page turner. I then rewrote the book, mimicking the tone, voice and style my client wanted. My client arranged publication and the book received excellent reviews. It was rewarding to help make my client's publishing dreams for this story come true.
* Romance Novella - I was hired to write a novella to continue the story of characters my client had used in a highly successful series. From my client's concept, I wrote an outline, then the book, and delivered it to my client for publication. It was great to be able to extend the story of these beloved characters.
* Business Graphic Novel - My client asked me to write a graphic novel to help children understand an aspect of business. After researching the concept, I came up with a fantasy story that illustrated the business and featured NFT characters my client had purchased as the stars. Once the outline was approved, I wrote the script for the graphic novel. It was great to make business fun for kids.
* Coffee Table Book - My client had an idea for a whimsical customizable coffee table book for adults. Based on my client idea and sample artwork from the illustrator she planned to use, I created the customizable story, then wrote the book in the lyrical, dreamlike style my client wanted. I haven't seen the final book, but writing the text was wonderful.
* Self-Help Book - My client hired me to turn the concepts she taught in workshops into a book. Through interviews and research, I came up with the structure, table of contents, voice, tone and style for the book, and wrote the book for my client to take on to a publisher. It was a fascinating project.
As you can tell, I am passionate about stories, mine as well as yours. I use my experience to help storytellers like you share your stories.
- 1996 Pan American Health Organization Award for Excellence in Health Journalism
- 2019 Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators TX/OK Crystal Kite Award for THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST
Work experience
Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, Bloomsbury
Author of three middle grade novels for ages 8 and up: THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST (published in three additional languages) and ARROW, published by Simon & Schuster; as well as AMERICAN HORSE TALES: HOLLYWOOD (published in two additional languages), published by Penguin Random House
Author of the GEMSTONE DRAGONS chapter book series for ages 6 and up, published by Bloomsbury: OPAL'S TIME TO SHINE, RUBY'S FIERY MISHAP, TOPAZ'S SPOOKY NIGHT and EMERALD'S BLOOMING SECRET
Reed Business Information
Edited and wrote news articles and features for a weekly print and daily online B2B magazine in the home entertainment industry. Proofread and copy edited copy, adhering to AP style and the in-house style guide.
Emap Petersen
Edited and wrote feature articles for various print consumer magazines in the automotive industry, including Mustang Monthly, Mopar Muscle, and Four Wheeler. Proofread and copy edited articles to the AP style guide, as well as in-house style guides for the company and each individual magazine.
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