Olaf Knechten

Olaf Knechten – Translator

I'm a literary translator with 20 years of experience and a background in visual art. I specialize in thrillers, suspense and SciFi.


I’m a German translator, editor and copy writer. Among books I previously translated are Marcus Sakey’s Brilliance trilogy (for "Die Abnormen", my bestselling translation of "Brilliance" I received the AmazonCrossing Readers’ Choice Award) and "Gefährliches Talent" ("A Dangerous Talent", Charlotte & Aaron Elkins), a Kindle Number One Bestseller.
Most of the books I translated reached the Kindle Top 20. If you've written a brilliant book I can help you make it a success in Germany, the third largest book market in the world (after the USA and China).

My aim in translation is to reflect the author’s style and tone perfectly in my own language and to make the story come alive in German. I love translating witty dialogues and humor although that's notoriously difficult. But I like a challenge! I also relish delving into new worlds and recreating those in my own words. Translating a book sometimes feels like living inside the author’s brain which may sound a bit weird but that’s the only way I can describe it. A good working relationship with the author is very important to me.

Having spent two decades of my life in London, UK, I recently returned to Cologne, Germany. I love traveling and often visit the countries where my working languages are spoken. I have a keen interest in literature and art in all its forms, cooking, nature, garden design and environment.

My network

I have a network of top professionals in translation, editing, copywriting, web design, advertising, illustration and photography.


I hold a Diploma in Translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists as well as a Degree in Fine Arts (Painting) from Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Professional Affiliations

I‘m a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists as well as VDÜ, the German Literary Translators‘ Association, and am accredited by the Dutch Foundation for Literature.

Action & Adventure Contemporary Fiction Mystery & Crime Science Fiction Thriller & Suspense Urban Fantasy
English to German
  • AmazonCrossing Readers’ Choice Award
  • DipTrans IoLET

Work experience

German Translation Pro

Apr, 2000 — Present

I have been a translator, editor and copywriter for 20 years and am also working as a visual artist. My main focus in literary translation has been on suspense fiction: Fast paced action thrillers, science fiction, urban fantasy and mystery novels from hard-boiled to domestic suspense and cozy. Recently I’ve been working on a non-fiction book about the end of World War Two.
Publishers I work for:
Amazon Publishing (Marcus Sakey, Sean Chercover, Johnny Shaw et al.)
Harper Collins (Liv Constantine et al.)
Atrium (renowned Swiss publisher, book to be published in fall 2020)
Boder (small Swiss publishing house, as editor of novels by Richard Brautigan)
Oxford University Press (as consultant and reviewer)
Hueber (language education publisher)

“… He combines technical craft with a writer’s instincts. I was lucky to have Olaf on my side.“
― Darryl Wimberley, Author

“Thank you very much for your spot on translation, Olaf Knechten German Translation!“
― Nova Lee Maier (aka Esther Verhoef), Author


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Schon zwölf Jahre hat Jimmy Veeder keinen Fuß mehr ins südkalifornische Imperial Valley gesetzt. Aber sein Vater Jack hat Krebs und nicht mehr lange zu leben. Deshalb kehrt Jimmy in seine alte Heimat zurück. Eigentlich will er mit Jack in der verbleibenden Zei... read more
Detective Michael Gideon vom Los Angeles Police Department und sein Polizeihund Sirius erlangten einst unfreiwillige Berühmtheit, als sie bei der Festnahme eines Serienmörders in ein Feuer gerieten und schwere Verbrennungen davontrugen. Wegen dieses heldenhaft... read more
Was ist, wenn unser Tod nur der Anfang ist? Um diese Frage dreht sich der neue Thriller von Marcus Sakey, Bestsellerautor der millionenfach verkauften »Abnormen«-Trilogie. Ein Scharfschütze versetzt Chicago in Panik: Achtzehn Menschen hat er heimtückisch ersch... read more
Der explosive Abschluss der erfolgreichen Abnormen-Trilogie!Seit dreißig Jahren bemüht sich die Menschheit, mit den Genialen auszukommen, diesem einen Prozent der Bevölkerung, das über außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten verfügt. Dreißig Jahre lang wurde alles versuc... read more
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