- Certified in Adobe Photoshop
Work experience
Comprehensive overarching digital campaigns for national brands, including:
• Schedule and oversee multiple blogs and maintain traffic numbers
• Strategy for social media growth campaigns and long-term maintenance, as well as oversight of daily activity and performance
• Monthly social media content for Facebook , Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube
• Oversee ad campaigns and landing page efficacy
• Google Analytics data collection and analysis
St. Martin's Press
• Oversaw digital marketing and social media for New York Times bestsellers, debut authors, and established series authors
• Conceptualized online media campaigns, including blog placement; guest posts and articles; and Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter chats; evaluated efficacy via data analyses
• Created comprehensive campaign calendars, and provided regular analysis reports to the team on project statistics
• Analyzed online outreach venues and acquire new brand partnerships for expanded audience reach
• Created, implemented, and ran thriller-focused website, The Hit List, for increased title awareness and audience-building opportunities
• Developed comprehensive marketing plans with team, including retailer outreach, ebook downprices, galley mailings, and strategic sweepstakes
• Advised authors in social media activity
Penguin Random House
• Conceptualized digital and print marketing campaigns for 20+ books and e-books per month, with advertising, trailers, giveaways, social media outreach, and more
• Supervised a direct report in all duties and skills
• Oversaw all department book trailer schedules and developed creative video plans
• Managed company and author social media presences via Facebook, GoodReads, and more
• Liaised with publicity, design, and editorial sources to refine digital media campaigns
• Supervised Berkley mass market promotions, including monthly catalog production
Penguin Group (USA)
• Assisted in digital and print marketing campaigns by updating title schedule, fulfilling giveaways, and tracking national and regional advertising campaigns
• Assisted with Berkley mass market monthly catalog and promotional bookmark and postcard production
Rosen Publishing
• Edited and updated book content and layout in Indesign
• Liaised with editorial, design, and art departments to coordinate books’ schedules
• Reviewed manuscripts for consistency through all stages of production