Whether I'm involved with developmental editing or ghostwriting, I ensure that my work conveys the author's intended meaning to readers.
- Journalism
Work experience
I'm an accomplished author, ghostwriter, and editor of books, blog posts, and newspaper articles. I'm passionate about transforming chaotic concepts into clear, well-organized prose for targeted audiences while meeting the objectives of authors and publishers.
My strengths include developmental, substantive, content, line, and general editing.
Whether I'm involved with developmental editing or ghostwriting, I ensure that my work conveys the author's intended meaning to readers.
Ghostwriting Examples:
♦ I'm the Boss of Me: A Guide to Owning Your Career by Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson FT Press, 2017).
♦ Tour Guide to Alternative Medicine, edited by Marilyn R. Freedman (TBD). [Originally Mosby's Tour Guide to Alternative Medicine, Mosby Editorial Board (St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Yearbook, 1997 unpublished).]
I've successfully edited college textbooks in economics, statistics, psychology, technology, nutrition, and health.
Portfolio Highlights:
♦ Nutrition from Science to You by Joan Salge Blake, Kathy D. Munoz, and Stella Volpe (Pearson Education, 2014)
♦ Principles of economics by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells (Worth Publishers, 2006, 2009)
♦ Principles of economics books by Michael Parkin (Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1993, 1996)
♦ Information Technology Project Management, 1st, 2nd, 8th editions, by Kathy Schwalbe (Course Technology, 2000, 2001, 2015)
♦ Information Technology & the Networked Economy by Patrick McKeown (Course Technology, 2003)
My specialties include: nonfiction in the social sciences, statistics, management, technology, applied sciences, and health.

Marilyn R. has 4 reviews

G B.
Apr, 2023

Mike B.
Jan, 2023

Sarah B.
Feb, 2022

Jonatan C.
Nov, 2020