I started my career in the publishing industry as an editorial assistant at Bantam Doubleday Dell. I left the commute and the office when my daughter was born, but continued freelancing as a proofreader for a small independent publishing company. Through them, I have worked mostly on contemporary and literary fiction, though I personally love to read all kinds of books, including fantasy, science fiction, mystery, suspense, and well, really, anything great. I worked in the healthcare field and have a Masters Degree in nutrition as well, so can bring that knowledge to the work I am proofreading. I have two kids, a dog, love books, and enjoy the flexibility of working from home.
I bring a love of words, a wide variety of interests, and open communication skills to the job. You will receive a marked up file (MS Word, pdf, or file type of your choice) with all corrections noted. As a proofreader, I am looking at the work exclusively for technical errors. I will query anything that might feel wrong beyond that, but will not make any substantive changes to the manuscript. Proofreading allows my grammar nerd to come to the forefront. I am happy to apply it to your book!
Work experience
Part time freelance proofreading and copyediting for a small independent publisher working mostly on contemporary and literary fiction.
Private Practice/Center for Medical Weight Loss
Wrote and edited nutrition and health handouts and newsletters.
Managed patient care in a physician's office.
Bantam Doubleday Dell
Assisted in the editorial department and the publishers office.
Kelly has 1 review

F H.
Jun, 2024