Meet John Peter Meiring, a highly skilled professional motion designer and illustrator with an extensive portfolio of work for both large and small clients. With over 14 years of experience, John Peter has become a trusted name in the industry, known for his exceptional work in a range of mediums.
Whether it's film editing, social media animations, gaming animations and illustrations, character design, children's books, or graphic design campaigns, John Peter has the expertise and creative vision to bring any project to life. They have worked on projects for a wide range of clients, including Diageo, Samsung, Weber, Hasbro, Vitamix, Dove and have a keen ability to tailor their work to each client's specific needs.
John Peter is known for his attention to detail and ability to create unique and engaging designs that capture the essence of a project. He understands the importance of creating a strong visual identity for his clients and works closely with them to ensure that their vision is realized. With a focus on collaboration and communication, John Peter is dedicated to delivering the highest quality work and ensuring that their clients are completely satisfied with the final product.
In addition to his professional work, John Peter is passionate about mentoring and inspiring the next generation of motion designers and illustrators. He frequently participates in workshops and speaking engagements, sharing his knowledge and experience with aspiring artists. With a proven track record of success and a passion for creativity, John Peter is the ideal choice for any project requiring exceptional motion design and illustration. Whether you're a large corporation or a small business, John Peter has the skills and vision to help you achieve your goals and bring your vision to life.
- Annual Awards Creativepool Illustrator
Work experience
John Peter has 4 reviews
Kasia W.
Aug, 2024
Diego A.
Apr, 2024
Katia/Bella Q.
Mar, 2024
Sez R.
Feb, 2023