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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024


Let an expert bring your vision to life

A ghostwriter is a professional hired to write something credited to someone else. A ghostwriter can complete an entire project solo or work collaboratively with the text's credited author to better capture their voice. And, much like ghosts, these writers remain invisible — you’ll maintain ownership over your ideas.

Ghostwriters can help you execute anything from a novel to a query letter. In this section, we’ll cover the three ghostwriting services offered on Reedsy:

  1. Book ghostwriting
  2. Book proposal writing
  3. Short form content

Book Ghostwriting

If you have an important story to tell, but don’t possess the writing skills (or the time) to put it down on paper, you can hire a ghostwriter to write that book for you. A ghostwriter’s job is to turn your initial idea into a marketable, well-written manuscript. In the process, they’ll seek to understand your unique voice, so the book feels authentically yours. 

What can I expect from a ghostwriter?

Every ghostwriting collaboration is unique. However, in general, you can expect:

  1. A clear plan for completing the book. Your ghostwriter will create a timeline for your collaboration and determine the best way to generate material (e.g., phone calls or video chats, your written notes, independent research, or a combination).
  2. The opportunity to give feedback. You’ll be able to look at an early draft to confirm you’re on the same page about style and language before the project is well underway.
  3. A finished manuscript. Reedsy ghostwriters are seasoned professionals who can deliver manuscripts that will not need additional editing.

Do ghostwriters receive credit?

A ghostwriter is rarely the official “author” of the book, though they are sometimes mentioned as a “co-author” in a book’s Acknowledgments. Some ghostwriters prefer the term "collaborator" as they see the project as a partnership with the author. More often than not, however, they are bound by confidentiality clauses that prevent them from revealing which books they have ghostwritten. Rest assured that we’ve vetted our ghostwriters to ensure their experience and discretion.

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Book Proposal

Book proposals are information packs used by authors to pitch their non-fiction books to publishers and agents. They contain everything a prospective publisher needs to know about a book, including its contents, target market, how it will be promoted, and commercial potential. In traditional publishing, proposals are almost always submitted before the book is written in full.

A ghostwriter can help you write a compelling proposal that convinces agents and publishers to take a serious look at your book.

What does a book proposal include?

A book proposal will commonly feature:

  1. A synopsis;
  2. A list of chapter headings;
  3. Details of the content to be created for each chapter;
  4. A list of 3-5 competing books that have had strong sales;
  5. A sample chapter;
  6. An author biography;
  7. A marketing and promotion plan
  8. A list of experts (or celebrities) willing to provide blurbs or endorsements.

You will notice that a proposal not only covers the content of your book but also demonstrates its commercial viability. A ghostwriter can help you with any and all sections of the book proposal (if you already have a sample chapter, they can write the additional material, but they can also create a proposal from scratch). 

They’ll help you demonstrate that there’s demand for your book, explain what sets your title apart from the competition, and detail what you can do to aid the publisher’s PR campaign.

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Short-form content

Besides turning your blog into a long-form book, ghostwriters can also help you pen any short-form content that you may be too busy to write yourself or want to make sure to get just right, including:

  1. Blog posts
  2. Social media posts
  3. Speeches

Can ghostwriters work on blogs?

Yes. This is probably the most common type of short-form ghostwriting, even though people don't always label it as such! Many bloggers and business owners outsource their posts to freelance writers but may think of it more as uncredited guest blogging than bona fide ghostwriting. If you’re looking for blogging on Reedsy, check out ghostwriters who offer short-form content.

Can a ghostwriter help me with other projects?

Yes. Whether you’re working on an op-ed or a wedding speech, a ghostwriter can probably help. The key skill for any ghostwriter is adaptability. Should you have a story that needs telling but require a little help on the way, don't hesitate to tap into this invaluable service and take your writing to a new dimension.